Available features:
Free tier:
The free tier grants access to three endpoints that provide the following features:
- GetSymbols: returns all the available symbols on Fixer.
- GetLatestValues: returns the latest available FX rates for a given set of currencies.
- GetHistoricalValues: returns the latest FX rates for a given set of currencies on a given date.
In order to use this, create an account on Fixer.io and configure the API key.
Paid tier:
You can request a trial for this (thanks Andreas and Fixer support team):
- Convert: converts two currencies with the latest or historical values.
- GetTimeseries: lists all the values of a given set of currencies between two dates.
- GetFluctuation: lists the difference between two dates on a set of currencies.
The Convert has a workaround: there is a function that converts the values against available values. Additional improvements on this are on the way!
Fixed an issue with endpoint invocation and fixed some bugs on the CalculateConversion function.