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OutSystems Data Grid

Stable version 2.15.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 Apr by 
 (33 ratings)

OutSystems Data Grid

Compatible with:
Created on OutSystems 11

Version 2.15.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 12 Apr by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.9.2 or higher
11.7.6 to 11.9.0
11.0.539 to 11.0.615
Release notes:

What's New

  • ROU-4827 - Updated Wijmo library to version 5.20241.9 (2024v1).


Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-4652 / RPM-4580 - Fixed an issue that caused the Dropdown Column options not to update to the correct ones when the parent was edited.
    This occurred in a Grid with three Dropdown Dependency levels with options containing duplicated labels.

  • ROU-4722 - Fixed an issue that caused a console error to appear when trying to open a dependent Dropdown Column cell without any option available.
    This occurred when two Dropdown Columns were dependent on each other and the corresponding parent Dropdown Column cell was empty.

  • ROU-4765 / RPM-4716 - Fixed an issue that caused the GetChangedLines client action to detect a change when a Dropdown cell returned to its original value.
    ROU-4768 - Fixed an issue that caused the OnCellValueChange to return the Dropdown labels options instead of the Dropdown values.
    This occurred when using the SetCellData client action to edit a cell value.

  • ROU-4827 - Fixed an issue that caused a pencil icon to override the checkbox when editing a cell in a Grid with the Row Checkbox feature enabled.

  • ROU-4829 / RPM-4830 - Fixed an issue that caused the GetChangesLines client action to return the HasInvalidLines property set to True when there were no invalid rows in the Grid.
    This occurred when using the MarkChangesAsSavedByKey client action with the ForceCleanInvalids parameter set to True.

  • ROU-4871 / RPM-4874 - Fixed an issue that caused the Dirty Mark to appear in an Action Column inside a Group Column.
    This occurred when a new row was added to a Data Grid.

Application Objects:
OutSystems Data Grid has 22 AOs.

Version 2.14.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 5 Feb by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.9.2 or higher
11.7.6 to 11.9.0
11.0.539 to 11.0.615
Release notes:

What's New

  • ROU-4407 - A new parameter ExternalURL was added and allows it to redirect to an external URL on an ActionColumn, using a URL from data or a fixed URL. If the ExternalURL is being defined, the click event will not be triggered.
    This feature will only be used when the ElementType is a Link.

  • ROU-4659 - Now, it’s possible to use the SetColumnFilterOptions for the Number, Currency, Checkbox, Date and DateTime columns.
    For the Number, Currency, Date, and DateTime Column, the Options List must be formatted according to the displayed data.
    Example: in the case of a Number column where values are presented as “$99.90” the options should be aligned with this format (“$99.90" rather than “99.9”).

  • ROU-4689 - Now, when a Column’s width configuration is changed in runtime its layout width will be preserved.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-3712 / RPM-4244 - Fixed an issue that caused the Data Grid to fail from triggering the OnCellValueChange event when changing a DropdownColumn cell’s option for a different option with the same label.

  • ROU-4588 / RPM-3899 - Updated the GetChangedLines client action’s description to bring visibility to its usage inside the column’s OnCellValueChange event.

  • ROU-4658 - Improved deployment performance by optimizing static entities,
    Now, all non-translated static entities were set to have Use Translations = No.
    This update is intended to optimize performance and mitigate the limitations on the previous asset version for the Oracle databases, where the customer needed to ensure they are in at least Oracle 12.2. No adverse side effects are anticipated.

  • ROU-4660 - Now, the Data Grid will change its state to “no data” when a filter is applied and doesn’t have any matching record. In this situation, the content of NoResults_Placeholder is shown.
    ROU-4662 - Now, the client actions GetCurrentPage, GetRowNumberByKey, GetSelectedRowsCount, GetSelectionAverage, GetSelectionCount, GetSelectionMax, GetSelectionMin, and GetSelectionSum, will return -1 when they fail.
    When one of these actions is used and fails, beyond the Success = false, the value return will be -1 instead of 0.

  • ROU-4691 - Fixed an issue that caused the filter’s column to not display the filtered condition values correctly.
    This occurred when setting a filter to the CurrencyColumn using the FilterByCondition client action.

  • ROU-4695 / RPM-4619 - Fixed an issue that caused the ActionColumn not to show commas delimitation properly.
    This occurred when LongInteger, Integer and Decimal values were being set.

  • ROU-4702 - Fixed an issue in the client actions FilterByCondition and FilterByValue that were not allowing filtering of the Date/DateTime columns by a null date.

  • ROU-4710 - Fixed an issue that caused the filters not to be set to the correct column when using the FilterByCondition and FilterByValue client actions. This occurred when there were two columns with the same binding on the same Grid.

Application Objects:
OutSystems Data Grid has 22 AOs.

Version 2.13.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 29 October 2023 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.9.2 or higher
11.7.6 to 11.9.0
11.0.539 to 11.0.615
Release notes:

What's New:

  • ROU-4182 - Now, we can use the new Image Column block to render image fields in the Data Grid.
    Check the documentation for more information.

Fixed Issues and Improvements:

  • ROU-4528 - Updated Wijmo library to version 5.20231.908-RC (2023).

  • Improved the Undo/Redo actions on Safari to respond to the default key combination for MacOS devices. Now, use Command+Z to undo an action and Shift Command+Z to redo an action.

  • ROU-4442 - As mentioned in the release notes of version 2.12.1, the module OutSystemsDataGrid_Resources was removed from the OutSystems Data Grid application since the language resources were previously moved to OutSystemsDataGrid.
    This should have no impact on the consumer applications. For consistency reasons, since the platform mechanisms don’t remove the OutSystemsDataGrid_Resources module, you can manually remove it to avoid future conflicts.

  • ROU-4214/RPM-3849 - Fixed an issue that caused a console error when the ESC key was pressed twice in the Data Grid.
    This occurred when starting editing a cell and then pressing the ESC key twice to cancel a cell edition.

  • ROU-4380 - Fixed an issue that caused the Data Grid to not allow the frozen column resizing.
    This occurred when a frozen column was resized to the maximum width possible.

  • ROU-4439 - Fixed an issue that caused the undo action to not restore all the dropdown cell values when the Dropdown Column has a dropdown dependency.
    This occurred when multiple cells of the parent Dropdown column were selected, and deleted, and then the undo action was performed.

  • ROU-4467 - Fixed an issue that caused a runtime error to be thrown when using the GetChangedLines client action.
    This occurred when calling the GetChangedLines client action after adding, removing, and adding a row again.

  • ROU-4472 - Now, when setting DynamicHeight = True the client action SetColumnWordWrap the header will also receive the same behaviour.

  • ROU-4476 - Fixed an issue that was causing the column cells and headers not to have the proper dimensions. This occurred when using the SetColumnWordWrap client action on a column.

  • ROU-4481/RPM-3916 - Fixed an issue that caused the OnCellValueChange event not to be triggered when using the BackSpace and Delete keys to erase cell data values.
    Fixed an issue that prevented the frozen columns from being resized when they had their maximum width.

  • ROU-4519 - Fixed an issue that caused the Dropdown Columns to trigger the OnCellValueChange event twice.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Dropdown Columns to trigger the OnCellValueChange even when no change was performed.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the OnCellValueChange event of the Dropdown Columns to return the wrong value for the OldValue output parameter.
    This occurred when one Dropdown column had a dependency on another and the parent Dropdown value changed or an undo action was performed.

  • ROU-4571 - Fixed an issue that caused the custom tooltip to be assigned to the wrong Column Header. This occurred when the Data Grid had a Column Group.

ℹ Information

  • As mentioned in the release notes of version 2.12.1, the module OutSystemsDataGrid_Resources was removed from the OutSystems Data Grid application since the language resources were previously moved to OutSystemsDataGrid.
    This should have no impact on the consumer applications.
  • For consistency reasons, since the platform mechanisms don’t remove the OutSystemsDataGrid_Resources module, you can manually remove it to avoid future conflicts.
Application Objects:
OutSystems Data Grid has 22 AOs.