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Case Management framework

Stable version 1.5.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 24 August 2022
 (20 ratings)

Case Management framework

Compatible with:
Created on OutSystems 11

Version 1.5.3

Uploaded on 24 August 2022 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.0.108 to 11.31.0
Release notes:
  • Updated references to Common Shared Services version 1.11.0
  • Fixed an issue in the Case_GetActivitiesTimeline action where assignments to a group were not being taken into account.

Application Objects:
Case Management framework has 120 AOs.

Version 1.5.2

See documentation
Uploaded on 02 June 2021 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.0.108 to 11.31.0
Release notes:
  • Bugs
    • From now on, service actions used to fetch data for cases and activities can only be accessed by registered users. Otherwise, an exception is thrown;

    • Review all associated activity server actions that could be executed under delegation. Some situations when the delegation was in the context of a specific group and user could fail;

    • Fixed an issue of the Calendar_GetEndDate server action of CM_WorkingDays_CS module which could return null when a non-working day was passed as the start date;

    • Fixed an issue with Activity_CalculateAndSetDueDate server action which could calculate a wrong DueDate.

Application Objects:
Case Management framework has 120 AOs.

Version 1.5.1

Uploaded on 25 May 2021 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.0.108 to 11.31.0
Release notes:
  • New Features

    • Case_GetActivities and CaseGetActivitiesCounter (new filter enabled)

      • Returns all your assigned activities by default.

      • Changed the MyActivities option of the ActivityAssigneeTypeId filter in the ActivityScope section to return all activities associated with a group that the user belongs to. This is regardless of whether the activity is assigned to a user.

        • Previously this returned the activities without any user assigned and which were associated with a group the user belongs to.

      • Added new options to the ActivityAssignementStatusId option:

        • AssignToMe - returns the activities that are assigned to the currently logged-in user.

        • AssignedToAnyone - returns the activities that have a user assigned to them.

        • AssignedToOthers - returns the activities that are assigned to a user that is not the currently logged-in user.

      • Added a new filter option in the SearchCriteria input section which enables the exclusion of all activities which do not have a user assigned and a group assigned.

    • Case_GetCasesByActivity (new service action)

      • Returns all your cases by default and enables filtering them based on associated activities.

      • Allows filtering on some activity information.

      • Allows filtering on several case attributes.

      • Allows sorting of the results based on Case information.

      • Case counters can also be requested.

      • The Case_GetCasesByActivity does not return the activities related to the case.

    • Case_GetCasesByActivityCounters (new service action)

      • If all you need are the case counters, you can use the same filters as Case_GetCasesByActivity and retrieve only the counters.

    • Multilingual is now supported in the Case Management framework

      • Static entities created inside the framework are now multilingual. 

      • English, Arabic, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish are the supported languages. 

  • Bugs

    • Fixed an issue that caused the Activity_GetActionList service action from the CaseServices_API to never return results.

    • Fixed an issue with the CaseDefinition_GetProcessDefinitionId action of the CaseConfigurations_API which could return the wrong ProcessDefinitionId.

    • Fixed an issue related to a unique database constraint related to Access Control which prevented the creation of multiple Access Control records for the same Case Definition.

    • Fixed an issue related to an Oracle database issue that prevented SLA events from being triggered when the SLA was overdue.


Application Objects:
Case Management framework has 120 AOs.