This component allows developers to create, manage and send eSignatures using DocuSign services with version 2.0 and 2.1.
Following are the actions user can use to integration the DocuSign services:
- Authentication: This action allow developers to get logic information for a specified user.
- CreateandSendEnvelope: This action is used to create and send envelope for electronic signature
- CreateandSendEnvelopeCustomBody: This action is used to create and send envelope for electronic signature, the difference from CreateandSendEnvelope is, it allows developers to create and pass customised request as an input
- DownloadDocument: This action can be used to download document for specified envelope id.
- GenerateXDocuSignAuthenticationKey: This is a utility action used to create XDocuSignAuthenticationKey required in all other actions. It takes Username, Password and IntegrationKey as in input. For more information to fetch this details refer
- GetAuditEvents: List all the audit events for the specified envelope
- GetEnvelopeStatus: Fetches the status for specified envelope
- ListDocuments: List all the documents in specified envelope
- ListEnvelopes: List all the envelopes for specified account id
- UpdateDocument: Allows user to update an existing document
- UpdateDocumentCustomBody: Same as above, difference is that developer can pass customised JSON as an input
- UpdateEnvelope: Allows user to update an existing envelope
- UpdateEnvelopeCustomBody: Same as above, difference is that developer can pass customised JSON as an input