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Cool Data Mover

Stable version 2.7.24 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 26 November 2024
 (23 ratings)

Cool Data Mover

Created on OutSystems 11

Version 2.7.24

See documentation
Uploaded on 26 November 2024 by 
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.0.108 to 11.31.0
Release notes:

New features

  • Added a new formatted text anonymization option specifying a list of options.
    Example: {Options:Male|Female|Unknown}
  • Added a new numeric anonymization option specifying a list of options.
    Example: {Options:1|2|3|10}
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework to version 4.8 for CDM Extensions
  • Removed references to (old version of) System.Text.Json.dll which was no longer used in CDM Extensions.
  • Import keys (see run logs) are now always added for Users and Tenants
  • Skipping a mandatory foreign key is now possible if the delete rule of the relation is set to Ignorable.
  • Added a warning to the export screen when attributes within the package are set to anonymize but the export setting prevents anonymization.
  • Added encrypted user information to the user export files.
  • Made the site property CDM_Base.WebServiceKey a secret
    As a result the site properties value will be reset by Outsystems (once). 
    Therefore, before upgrading, please save the value of the WebServiceKey and after upgrading, enter the saved value again 
  • Added the webservice key to the environment screen (which requires Admin privileges)
  • Added the new ‘Sequence’ anonymization option for integer-based attributes. The sequence generates a new unique integer for every row exported (for the specified attribute). Starting at the given starting point (Start from) and incrementing each row with the given Interval. So, starting from 10 with an interval of 2 would generate a sequence of 10, 12, 14 etc…. 
  • Updated the installation documentation (only needed for first time install)
  • Changed the CDM_LifeTimeWS webservice to ‘Internal Network Only’

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in which exported BPT processes were written to the Import storage location instead of the export storage location.
  • Fixed an issue in which the User, Tenant and Espace modules were not added to the package during the upload of a new definition if the ‘Move Referenced Users’ was set.
  • Fixed an issue with randomization, making it ‘more’ random.
  • Fixed the colors of the environment sticker.
  • Fixed an issue with the anonymization dropdown which sometimes contained duplicate options
  • Fixed an issue which caused in an error during export in the following situation. When the datatype of the primary key of entity P (Parent) is Text, and the datatype of the identifier of entity E (Extension) was of type ‘P Identifier’.
  • Change some styling features like the logo and the CoolProfs tag in the footer.
  • Minor performance updates

Application Objects:
Cool Data Mover has 1 AOs.

Version 2.7.16

See documentation
Uploaded on 30 July 2024 by 
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.0.108 to 11.31.0
Release notes:


  • Fixed an issue which resulted in a failed export when an entity with a Text identifier had rows in which the value of the identifier contained a single quote character.
  • Added support for custom filters values and entity filter values to be able to contain single quotes.
  • Fixed a query issue which occurred when accessing the Monitoring screens on an Oracle environment
  • Fixed an issue with exporting binaries in which the export tasks were not picked up correctly by the CDM which resulted in export runs that did not finish.
  • Fixed an issue with starting a move from the scheduler plugin in which the move did not complete correctly and appeared to be stuck.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the delete to proceed.
  • Fix query issue in mediator.
Application Objects:
Cool Data Mover has 1 AOs.
Created on OutSystems 10

Version 2.5.5

Uploaded on 20 May 2021 by 
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.0.108 to 11.31.0
Version 10
Release notes:

This version includes lots of new cool features such as 

- Data model comparison
- Performance enhancements
- Reporting of data inconsistencies
- Improved validations
- Soft key support
- Support for foreign keys to external tables
- Timezone conversion support

See the complete Release Notes at 

Version 2.3.18

Uploaded on 25 November 2019 by 
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.0.108 to 11.31.0
Version 10
Release notes:

New Features
·         Rewrotethe Delete functionality using (Light)BPT instead of timers. 

·         Removed the unused option ExcludeBinaries 

·         Added a package option to prevent the launch of new BPT processes during an importAlso removed the new events generated by OutSystems from the event queue. 

·         ‘Duplicateinsert’  errors are ignored when retrying an ImportFilePart worker. This accommodation the possibility to retry the inserts when during previous executions inserts were already committed. 

·         Added the generation of correct IBANs for the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Denmark, and Germany.  When another country code is suppliedby default a dutch IBANis returned. 

·         Added a new delete validation warning for the situation that an entity refers to an entity in another catalog. In that case, the referential integrity is not guaranteed by the database and the data of entity B can be deleted.  

·         Added the option to Move the ServiceCenter tenant entity

·         Improved the performance of the screens on which the list of modules and the list of entities are shown.


·         Fixed an issue whereby the export of binaries failed when no binaries were found with a length under the max binary size limit. 

·         Fixed a performance issue with retrieving the entities from a module that contains a large number of entities. 

·         Fixed an issue with an incorrect catalog name for the internal CDM tables when the CDM is installed in a separate catalog. 

·         Fixed an issue with replacing an attribute value during export 

·         Implemented a workaround to deal with a bug in some OutSystems platforms on MSSQL whereby the tables are not represented in the SYS.ALL_OBJECTS table. 

·       Fixed an issue with retrieving the entity definition information when that entity resided in a different catalog than the CDM itself. 

·       Fixed an issue whereby data that referred to a removed record of a static entity with a non-auto number identifier resulted in an error. 

·       Fixed an issue by preventing the deletion of the initial records in the event tables (osevt*). 

·       Fixed an issue with getting entities from the database based on System tables type = ‘U’. In some situations, user_tables have a NULL value. This prevented from opening the modules inside the packages 

·       Fixed an issue whereby inserts in the export key table resulted in an error regarding data conversions from int32 to String.