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OutSystems Data Grid Web

Stable version 2.21.5 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
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OutSystems Data Grid
Compatible with OutSystems 11
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OutSystems Data Grid Web

Created on OutSystems 10

Version 1.15.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 03 August 2020 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
Version 10
Release notes:

Fixed Issues:

  • Standardized blank and undefined values for Group Panel

  • Added new parameter (SendAllSelectedRows) to allows you to select dirty cell and enable “Send Selected” button 

  • Added new parameter (IsLoadingEmpty) in AdvancedFormats to allow user to load an empty grid

  • Fixed searching engine to allow “#” character

  • Fixed behavior when user sets value in the "GridColumnLink" to multiple input params 

  • Fixed edition on cells from Frozen Columns

  • Fixed the message on exporting to Excel

  • Custom Context Menu can be opened without focus on an empty grid

  • Selection by row number with CheckboxSelection disabled

  • Selection formulas calculation fix

  • Selection using control fixed behavior

  • Filter Type minor fix when there is no filter type associated

  • Tooltip fix when the string values were large

  • Fixed error when loading grid with no data

  • Fix on Filtering by values on Dropdown columns


  • Wijmo update to 5.20201.680

Version 1.13.0

Under Development
Application Package
Uploaded on 25 May 2020 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
Version 10
Release notes:

Added functionalities:

  • Translation are now included in the DataGrid component

  • Mechanism to set behavior and handle feedback messages from DataGrid

  • A new input parameter was added inside Grid Container (SanitizeInputValues). When it is set to true, we will sanitize the cell values to prevent XSS attacks

  • Added advanced format parameter to specify if Grid Configuration should be loaded from the server. In cases that don’t require configuration, setting this parameter to false will improve the performance

Fixed Issues:

  • Fixed column group mapping

  • Fixed issue for cells being marked as dirty after cancel edition

Version 1.3.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 18 May 2020 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
Version 10
Release notes:

Added functionalities:

  • It is now possible to define the steps for Number columns

    • Added the AdvancedConfigs so you can map cell properties from wijmo

  • Groups can now be collapsed or expanded by default

  • Option to have a feedback message displayed on first load with total number of records

  • Select and Date/DateTime columns allow the delete/backspace to clear the value

Fixed Issues:

  • Column index is automatically filled in the Freeze Column context menu

  • ‘Undefined’ values are now validated and set to the columns’ default

  • Row headers’ display was improved to not break from misalignment

  • Date/Datetime columns now are affected by culture selection

  • DateTime icons now display correctly with OSCellRenderer functions

  • After server side validation red error mark is kept

  • ‘Popup’ windows like calendar or Select options are correctly displayed with position fixed set to the grid and when used on Modal or Popup widgets

  • Row index adjusts to the length of its content

  • Blank values are now displayed correctly after sorting

  • Dirty cells keep their mark if changes are canceled

  • Group Panel now displays correctly if the grid width is changed


  • Row headers now have fixed width

  • Buttons and ‘Dirty Mark’ behavior was unified to only change status if changes were made

  • “Paste Ctrl+V" option from Context Menu is no longer available

For the remaining notes check the notes from:

  • Version 2.1.11
  • Version 2.1.10
  • Version 2.1.9
  • Version 2.1.8
  • Version 2.1.7
  • Version 2.1.6
  • Version 2.1.5
  • Version 2.1.4