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OutSystems Charts

Stable version 3.4.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 28 Mar by 
 (26 ratings)

OutSystems Charts

Compatible with:
Created on OutSystems 11

Version 3.4.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 28 Mar by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.9.2 or higher
11.7.6 to 11.9.0
11.0.606 to 11.0.615
Release notes:

What’s New

  • ROU-4742 - Now, OutSystems Charts will be using the latest version of their library provider - HighCharts v11.4.0 (2024-03-05).
    In this release, we have updated the HighCharts modules we provide as a basis for our blocks.
    If you use any other resource from HighCharts, it must be updated to the same version for consistency.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-4730 - Fixed an issue that caused the SetHighchartsChartConfigs action to convert all the text values added to a lowercase output, before applying it to a given chart.
    This occurred when using the client action and applying new configurations to a chart with a text value.

  • ROU-4775 - Fixed an issue that caused the charts to create an empty series when updated with empty data. This was fixed for both versions of the Charts.

Application Objects:
OutSystems Charts does not affect the count of AOs.

Version 3.3.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 26 December 2023 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.9.2 or higher
11.7.6 to 11.9.0
11.0.606 to 11.0.615
Release notes:

What's New:

  • ROU-4640 - Now, OutSystems Charts will be using the latest version of their library provider - HighCharts v11.2.0 (2023-10-30).
    In this release, we have updated the HighCharts modules we provide as a basis for our blocks.
    If you use any other resource from HighCharts, it must be updated to the same version for consistency.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-4594 - Now, the 'script no-data-to-display.js' is also available by default on the required scripts associated with the Chart blocks.

  • ROU-4643 - Improved the SetHighchartsChartConfigs, SetHighchartsSeriesConfigs, SetHighchartsXAxisConfigs and SetHighchartsYAxisConfigs client action descriptions to make their limitations clear due to security reasons.

  • ROU-4658 - Improved deployment performance by optimizing static entities.
    Now, all non-translated static entities were set to have Use 'Translations = No'.
    This update is intended to optimize performance and mitigate the limitations on the previous asset version for the Oracle databases, where the customer needed to ensure they are in at least Oracle 12.2. No adverse side effects are anticipated.

Application Objects:
OutSystems Charts does not affect the count of AOs.

Version 3.2.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 29 October 2023 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.9.2 or higher
11.7.6 to 11.9.0
11.0.606 to 11.0.615
Release notes:

Fixed Issues and Improvements:

  • ROU-4434 - After some architecture improvements, the series property is no longer at chart level so, this can impact some custom code that might need to be changed.
    If you are using something like OutSystems.ChartAPI.ChartManager.GetActiveChart().series, it should be replaced by OutSystems.ChartAPI.Chart.GetActive().configs.seriesList.

  • ROU-4448 - Fixed an issue that caused Charts V2 using the DateTime series not to work as expected.
    This occurred when the server date format was changed in the Service Center, not following the default format YYYY-MM-DD.

  • ROU-4551 - Fixed an issue that caused the Charts V1 to throw an error in runtime.
    This occurred when the advanced format was used and data to be set was enclosed on an array (such as when two yAxis were a requirement).

  • ROU-4562 - Fixed an issue on Version 1 that caused the advanced format of the single series chart to not work in every situation.
    This occurred when the chart we were manipulating was a single series chart and we have an advanced format with multi-series customizations.

  • ROU-4575 - Fixed an issue that caused dates to appear unformatted in the chart tooltip. This occurred when the values type of the XAxis was set to DateTime.

⚠ This new OutSystems UI version introduces breaking changes.

  • Now, the extensibility client actions that use the OutSystems Charts API returns an error message, code and success for a more consistent error handling, so consumers must have their references refreshed. 
  • After some architecture improvements, the series property is no longer at chart level so, this can impact some custom code that might need to be changed.
    If you are using something like OutSystems.ChartAPI.ChartManager.GetActiveChart().series, it should be replaced by OutSystems.ChartAPI.Chart.GetActive().configs.seriesList.

Application Objects:
OutSystems Charts does not affect the count of AOs.