EMAIL MIGRATION: Now when migrating BPTs, DMM will also migrate all your emails in the OutSystems database!
DASHBOARD: Now DMM offers an entry dashboard with relevant insights information about your OutSystems database - please do give us feedback! :)
FREE DATA IMPORT: It is now free to use DMM to import data into OutSystems from external sources!
(ask us if you have questions about this process using DMM)
Delta Migration (BETA): This mode allows future migrations to only update data in the destination that was changed in the source since previous delta migrations executions. All migrations must be made with this flag.
BPT Migrations: Infosistema DMM is now able to migrate BPT data between environments using the same User Interface. All BPTs can currently be migrated even those that are not linked to an entity.
Better and Faster: We've redone our migration engine almost from scratch, you can expect a gain up to 7x on migration speed due to those changes.
Reporting: Major improvements on the reporting page that provide better feedback on Infosistema DMM executions
Plus: some minor bug fixes and several UI improvements