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Factory Configuration

Stable version 11.2.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
Uploaded on 11 Jun by 
 (31 ratings)

Factory Configuration

Created on OutSystems 11

Version 11.2.1

Application Package
Uploaded on 11 Jun by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.14.0 or higher
Release notes:
  • Adds a setting "Disable Max Age for Anonymous cookies in Mobile/Reactive" to enable a tentative workaround for a WebKit issue that causes sessions to be randomly lost on Apple devices (usually iOS 17 but also MacOS). More details are available in the release notes of Platform Server 11.28.0. (R11DT-2497).

  • Adds two settings "Enforce Unsafe Eval Reactive" and "Enforce Unsafe Inline Reactive" that control the usage of unsafe-eval and unsafe-inline directives in the Content Security Policy of reactive apps. The support for mobile apps isn't yet available. (RPM-3117)

Application Objects:
Factory Configuration does not affect the count of AOs.

Version 11.2.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 8 Apr by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.14.0 or higher
Release notes:
  • Changed the access level needed to use Factory Configuration. Before, users with permissions above 'List Applications' could perform configuration changes to the environment. Now, only users with Full Control can access Factory Configuration. This version of Factory Configuration requires Platform Server 11.27.0 and is considered a Breaking Change. (RPM-4674)

  • Adds the setting “Enable alternative list virtualization mechanism in Mobile/Reactive” to enable the fix for virtualization misbehavior where some items from a List were not rendered. You can see the full context of the RPM in the release notes of Platform Server 11.27.0. (RPM-1232).

  • Adds the setting "Remove nr2 cookie username" to allow the removal of the user's username from the nr2 cookie (disabled by default). You can see the full context of the RPM in the release notes of Platform Server 11.27.0. (RPM-1454)

  • Adds the setting "Match exact Page Rules URL pattern" to ensure the URL Pattern matches exactly (disabled by default). You can see the full context of the RPM in the release notes of Platform Server 11.27.0. (RPM-4602)

  • Adds the setting "Add UTF-8 encoded filename header to file download in Traditional" that prevents an issue that could cause downloaded files to have their filename garbled (disabled by default). You can see the full context of the RPM in the release notes of Platform Server after the version 11.27.0. (RPM-4534).

  • Adds the setting “Preserve List item keys in Mobile/Reactive” to enable the fix for rendering misbehavior affecting List and Table widgets. You can see the full context of the RPM in the release notes of Platform Server after the version 11.27.0. (RPM-4532).

  • Updates the setting "Refresh only broken dependencies" to be enabled by default when Platform Server is 11.27.0 or above. When this setting is enabled, it sets the publication operation to only refresh the dependencies in a consumer module if there are incompatible signatures in the referenced elements, during the update components step. Check OutSystems 11 side effects and breaking changes for more details. (R11PST-33)

Application Objects:
Factory Configuration does not affect the count of AOs.
Created on OutSystems 10

Version 10.0.9

Application Package
Uploaded on 09 April 2020 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
Version 10
Release notes:
  • fixed references to system components

Version 10.0.8

Application Package
Uploaded on 31 December 2019 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
Version 10
Release notes:
Created on Older versions

Version 9.1.4

Application Package
Uploaded on 27 February 2017 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Release notes:
  • Added Session fixation protection
  • Added Brute Force Protection configuration (for ServiceCenter and LifeTime)
  • Added Update User's Last Login Date on Login
  • Changed compiler timeout unit to minutes instead of seconds
  • Fixed default value for Expect100Continue
Application Objects:
Factory Configuration has 0 AOs.

Version 9.1.3

Application Package
Uploaded on 27 September 2016 by OutSystems
Compatible with:
Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Release notes:

- fixed a minor issue with the default of Expect 100 Continue

Application Objects:
Factory Configuration has 0 AOs.