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Interoperable Health Data Model

Stable version 2.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 26 Feb
 (1 rating)

Interoperable Health Data Model

Compatible with:
Created on OutSystems 11

Version 2.0.0

See documentation
Application Package
Uploaded on 26 Feb by KRE8 IT
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.12.0 or higher
Release notes:

New Documentation and Sample Application

We did our best to remove as much complexity as we could from the data model while keeping everything that’s required to make it interoperable. However, we realise that building Healthcare applications is inherently complex, and therefore we included a Sample Application and accompanying Documentation to explain the fundamentals to help you get started building an interoperable Digital Health application using this data model.

New Health Data Structures

We added 14 new interoperable health data structures in this release:

  • BodyStructure
  • CarePlan
  • Consent
  • Coverage
  • Device
  • Immunization
  • Medication
  • MedicationAdministration
  • MedicationDispense
  • MedicationRequest
  • MedicationStatement
  • Provenance
  • Specimen
  • Substance

New Versions of existing Data Structures

The following existing data structures now have new versions available and the previous versions have been deprecated:

  • AllergyIntolerance (v2)
  • AppointmentResponse (v2)
  • Binary (v2)
  • Bundle (v2)
  • Common_Attachment (v2)
  • Common_RelatedArtifact (v2)
  • Composition (v2)
  • DiagnosticReport (v2)
  • DocumentReference (v2)
  • Encounter (v2)
  • FamilyMemberHistory (v2)
  • HealthcareService (v2)
  • ImagingStudy (v2)
  • List (v2)
  • Location (v2)
  • Observation (v2)
  • OperationOutcome (v2)
  • Patient (v2)
  • Person (v2)
  • Practitioner (v2)
  • Procedure (v2)
  • Questionnaire (v2)
  • QuestionnaireResponse (v2)
  • RelatedPerson (v2)
  • Schedule (v2)
  • ServiceRequest (v2)
  • Slot (v2)
  • Task (v2)

NOTE: Each of the above data structures have corresponding Upgrade actions (e.g. Patient_Upgrade_v1_to_v2) that take in the v1 data structure and output the v2 data structure. These are private actions consumed by the new version’s Deserialize action, which will take the old version’s SimpleJSON and SimpleStructure (name) and it will automatically upgrade the data to return the data structure in the new version’s format. This streamlines the transition from an old data structure version to the new one.

New Attributes in existing Data Structures

The following new attributes have been added to some existing data structures:

  • Common_Reference_v1.Identifier
  • DiagnosticReport_Performer_v1.Reference
  • DiagnosticReport_Performer_v1.Type
  • DiagnosticReport_Performer_v1.Display
  • DiagnosticReport_Performer_v1.Identifier

New Serialize and Deserialize actions for each Data Structure

Each main Health Data Structure now has corresponding Serialize and Deserialize actions (e.g. Patient_Serialize_v2 and Patient_Deserialize_v2). The Serialize action takes in the Data Structure and returns the SimpleJSON and SimpleStructure name. These can be stored as a pair of attributes (e.g. in the ResourceVersion entity, as demonstrated in the companion Sample Application) and then passed to the Deserialize action when needed to return the full Data Structure.


Reference to OutSystems UI was updated to version 2.18.2.


Many of the data attribute descriptions have been updated with more complete information.


Some data attributes had missing descriptions. These have been added.

DEPRECATED Service Actions replaced by Server Actions

Service Actions have been replaced with Server Actions for improved performance. The action names have the same name as the deprecated Service Actions, so all that is required to resolve this change in your consuming application is to Refresh References, remove the reference to the deprecated Service Action and select the new Server Action with the same name.

Version 1.1.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 18 August 2023 by KRE8 IT
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.12.0 or higher
Release notes:

Structure descriptions have been updated to specify the particular Service Action that should be used to populate options, where applicable.

The following Service Actions for populating options have been added:

  • AllergyIntolerance_Certainties
  • AllergyIntolerance_SubstanceExposureRisks
  • Common_AnimalBreeds
  • Common_ChoiceListOrientations
  • Common_ConditionCauseCodes
  • Common_ConditionOutcomeCodes
  • Common_ConstraintSeverities
  • Common_CurrencyCodes
  • Common_DataTypes
  • Common_EventTiming
  • Common_FocalSubjectCodes
  • Common_HLACodes
  • Common_MatchGrades
  • Common_MimeTypes
  • Common_NarrativeStatuses
  • Common_ParentRelationshipCodes
  • Common_PerformerFunctionCodes
  • Common_QuantityComparators
  • Common_RelatedArtifactTypes
  • Common_SiblingRelationshipCodes
  • Common_SignatureTypeCodes
  • Common_TimingAbbreviations
  • Common_UnitsOfTimeCodes
  • Common_UsageContextTypes
  • Common_UseContextCodes
  • Common_v2_ModeOfArrivalCodes
  • Common_v2_SpecimenTypes
  • Condition_PredecessorCodes
  • DiagnosticReport_DiagnosticAttachmentTypes
  • Flag_PriorityCodes
  • Observation_CategoryCodes
  • Observation_ClinVarCodes
  • Observation_HGNCCodes
  • Patient_LanguageAbilityMode
  • Patient_LanguageAbilityProficiency
  • Patient_LanguagePreferenceTypes
  • Procedure_ProgressStatusCodes
  • Questionnaire_ItemUsageModes
  • Questionnaire_TextCategories
  • QuestionnaireResponse_Modes

Version 1.0.0

Application Package
Uploaded on 08 August 2023 by KRE8 IT
Compatible with:
Version 11
11.12.0 or higher