New Features
Added loadAdWithAdId method to HMSRewardAd.
Added requestLocation field to AdParam and HMSRequestOptions.
Added DetailedCreativeType to Constants.
Added contentBundle and location field to AdParam.
Added getAppActivateStyle, setAppActivateStyle, setAppInstalledNotify and isAppInstalledNotify methods to the HMSAds.
Added setMobileDataAlertSwitch method to the HMSRewardAd.
Added setOnDownloadStatusChangedListener, setOnNonWifiDownloadListener, setShowPermissionDialog, setAllowedNonWifiNetwork, cancel and continueDownload methods to the HMSNativeAd.
Added BANNER_SIZE_ADVANCED field to the BannerAdSize.
Added the installChannel to the ReferrerDetails class to support the function of obtaining the channel information.
Added the AdvertiserInfo API to obtain and display advertiser information, adapting the Russian advertising law.
Added the hasAdvertiserInfo, getAdvertiserInfo, showAdvertiserInfoDialog and hideAdvertiserInfoDialog methods to the HMSRollAd.
Added the hasAdvertiserInfo, getAdvertiserInfo, showAdvertiserInfoDialog and hideAdvertiserInfoDialog methods to the HMSNativeAd.
Android API 33 support has been added.
Mabs 11 Fix issue