Maps made easy, from developers to developers.
Use the OutSystems Maps to create visual rich enterprise-grade interfaces that help the user to quickly have map-based insights of the data.
Key features
To access a sample version of OutSystems Maps, you can download the OutSystems Maps Sample from Forge and launch it in Service Studio. These samples also have documentation.
We're continually improving this solution and adding more features.To help us cover more specific and complex scenarios, let us know what you'd like to see in this component's support tab.
Note: Currently, Google Maps and Leaflet are supported.
What's New
ROU-4776 - A new site property, GoogleMapsVersion, has been added to the OutSystems Maps module. This property allows you to define which version of Google Maps should be loaded.By default, it is set to version 3.58 (the stable release for November 2024).If an invalid or unsupported version is specified, Google Maps will automatically default to the latest weekly version.Please note, that any updates to this property will require a manual application reload for the changes to take effect.
ROU-11055 - Support for Google Maps new AdvancedMarkerElement has been added and is now used as the default marker.To accommodate this update, a new parameter called UseAdvancedMarkers (default: true) has been introduced in the Google Map optional configurations.Additionally, a new parameter was added to the Google Map optional configurations, called MapStyleId.This parameter is used to indicate the ID of the map styles created in the Google Cloud Console, and it will only be used when the parameter UseAdvancedMarkers is set to true.If the deprecated Google Marker needs to be used for compatibility reasons, set UseAdvancedMarkers to false. For more info about this change check this link.
ROU-11344 - Updated Leaflet library to the latest version 1.9.4.
Fixed Issues and Improvements