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OutSystems Data Grid

Stable version 2.15.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 12 Apr by 
 (33 ratings)

OutSystems Data Grid

View, explore, and edit large amounts of data in a familiar spreadsheet interface with the OutSystems Data Grid component for Reactive Web apps.
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Use the Data Grid to create enterprise-grade interfaces that are more suitable and time-effective than designing a custom solution every time you need to manipulate dense datasets.  

Key features 

  • Built for Reactive Web apps 
  • Data selection and editing in a familiar interface 
  • Data sorting by parameter 
  • Data grouping 
  • Virtual Scrolling 

To access a sample version of OutSystems Data Grid, you can download the OutSystems Data Grid Sample from Forge and launch it in Service Studio. We're continually improving this solution and adding more features. To help us cover more specific and complex scenarios, let us know what you'd like to see in this component's support tab.

Please check the tutorial OutSystems Data Grid in less than 4 minutes.

Release notes (2.15.0)

What's New

  • ROU-4827 - Updated Wijmo library to version 5.20241.9 (2024v1).


Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-4652 / RPM-4580 - Fixed an issue that caused the Dropdown Column options not to update to the correct ones when the parent was edited.
    This occurred in a Grid with three Dropdown Dependency levels with options containing duplicated labels.

  • ROU-4722 - Fixed an issue that caused a console error to appear when trying to open a dependent Dropdown Column cell without any option available.
    This occurred when two Dropdown Columns were dependent on each other and the corresponding parent Dropdown Column cell was empty.

  • ROU-4765 / RPM-4716 - Fixed an issue that caused the GetChangedLines client action to detect a change when a Dropdown cell returned to its original value.
    ROU-4768 - Fixed an issue that caused the OnCellValueChange to return the Dropdown labels options instead of the Dropdown values.
    This occurred when using the SetCellData client action to edit a cell value.

  • ROU-4827 - Fixed an issue that caused a pencil icon to override the checkbox when editing a cell in a Grid with the Row Checkbox feature enabled.

  • ROU-4829 / RPM-4830 - Fixed an issue that caused the GetChangesLines client action to return the HasInvalidLines property set to True when there were no invalid rows in the Grid.
    This occurred when using the MarkChangesAsSavedByKey client action with the ForceCleanInvalids parameter set to True.

  • ROU-4871 / RPM-4874 - Fixed an issue that caused the Dirty Mark to appear in an Action Column inside a Group Column.
    This occurred when a new row was added to a Data Grid.

License (2.15.0)
Reviews (10)
20 Feb
in version 2.14.0
It helped me a lot!
10 Jan
in version 2.13.0
Data Grid is a powerful tool with a comprehensive set of features. Appreciate the active development and support.
3 Jan
in version 2.13.0
All in one component -  view, edit, insert -, instead of many pages for each action.
I prefer this spreadsheet component for ever data master pages.
