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Feature Toggle Library

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 28 Feb (10 days ago)
 (2 ratings)

Feature Toggle Library

The Feature Toggle Library allows IT users to manage feature release and restrict access to the feature through user context. This component is the Library that needs to be installed on the environments where you want to use features toggles defined on the Feature Toggle Management console. It improves the way to deal with unfinished work and hidden features in production and helps to remove dependency friction as you scale to multiple teams. Inside this component there are some Template Projects that you can use to jumpstart your project.
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Feature toggling is an application-based release pattern that provides the mechanism to modify system behavior by selectively enabling and disabling features without requiring a production code deployment. Feature toggles are usually implemented by wrapping application logic or UI elements with a conditional statement, where the feature is enabled or disabled based on a configuration setting stored somewhere.

How To Use

This component requires the installation of the Feature Toggle Management component on LifeTime.

Please read the documentation on how to install and how to use this tool.


  • A single developer can code without impacting others while getting early feedback
  • Teams can continuously integrate code since day 1, avoiding merge hell
  • Fix production code from development without skipping SDLC stages
  • Multiple developers sharing code without impacting others
  • Teams are always ready to promote code

Great impact on continuous delivery

  • Decouple Code Deployment From Feature Roll-out
  • Canary Launches
  • Production Testing
  • Turning Things Off With a Kill Switch
  • Running Experiments
Release notes (1.0.3)

Improved Client-Side Feature Toggle Synchronization & Status Verification

This update enhances local feature synchronization by storing a JSON array with hashed values in local storage instead of using feature toggle keys and boolean values. 

License (1.0.3)
Reviews (1)
in version 1.0.2
Requires the creation of a Lifetime user with admin privileges and setting the username/password UNENCRYPTED in a site property. Huge security risk. Please implement this with a LifeTime Service account and encrypted storage of the password.
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