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e-KYC is an accelerator that automates identification and verification of your customers; be it an individual, an enterprise, or a trust. It allows you to quickly configure and automate KYC processes that are rule-based and to integrate with external KYC data providers to facilitate a complete e-KYC, where the customer is NOT required to visit your office.
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Key benefits
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  • Rule-based access  
  • Simplified and intuitive UI
  • Out-of-the-box List Screening connector
  • Business Rules driven workflow for necessary approvals and task allocations
  • Microservices architecture and modular design
  • Pre-built API connectors for seamless integration
Problems Addressed / Key Features
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Banks and Lenders today offer various Loan and Deposit Products to individuals and corporations. Each offering requires various levels of KYC processes which the Product and Customer type dictates, not to forget the Compliance needs for the same.

Technical details
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Technical Details coming soon.

Financial Services
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