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Adobe Sign Connector and Sample

Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 15 June 2023
 (3 ratings)

Adobe Sign Connector and Sample

The connector implements select Adobe Sign features for OutSystems Responsive Web applications. Users are able to list library documents, send documents for signature, and retrieve document signature status.
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Adobe Sign Connector Setup and Configuration

To use the OutSystems Adobe Sign Connector and Sample Application you will need an Adobe Sign account with privileges using the Adobe Sign API.

  1. Sign up for a developer account with Adobe Sign and verify the email address by clicking on the email you receive from Adobe.


  1. Ensure you have access to the API Applications dashboard. If you sign up with your corporate email address rather than a free service like gmail or yahoo mail, you should be granted a trial with developer permissions. If you find you do not have such access, contact the Adobe Support to upgrade your account as necessary.


  1. Add a new application


  1. Name the application and select the “Customer” domain


  1. Configure OAuth for the application by entering the redirect URI with your own OutSystems URL. Also, check to enable all the capabilities while keeping the modifiers set to “account”. Take note of the Client ID and client Secret assigned to your application as you will need it later.

  1. Click the API link on the dashboard and click on the “Oauth Tokens” link in the body

  1. Scroll to the example URL and get the protocol and hostname portion of the URL. In the image below, it would be “”. Note this as you will use it when asked for the base URL.  

  1. In Service Center -> Factory -> Modules -> AdobeSignConnector -> Site Properties set the site properties as follows. The value for Scope for the sample application is “user_login:self+agreement_write:account+agreement_send:account+library_read:self+agreement_read:account” 

  1. Fill in the appropriate AdobeBaseURL (in two places), the client ID, Client Secret, and OutSystems URL (in two places)

  1. Navigate to Home

  1. Select “Create a Library Template”

  1. Give the template a name and drag any PDF file into the “Drag & Drop Files Here” area

  1. Select “Preview & Add Fields” and drag and drop any Signature Fields or Signer Info Fields widgets into the document at the desired location.

Next Steps

The OutSystems Adobe Sign Connector and Sample is now configured to authenticate the user with an Adobe Sign account, present a list of documents, send a document for signature, and get status of the signature.

This can serve as a sample to integrate the same use cases in your own application using the OutSystems configuration, web services, and actions defined in this module. There are additional features and use cases provided by Adobe that can also be leveraged by implementing other portions of the Adobe Sign API.

Next Steps

If you would like to contribute to this component, here are some suggested additional features:

  • Implement session expiration logic to refresh API token

  • Implement webhook callback functionality to receive events such as signature captured

  • Implement support for document workflow and multi signature documents

Release notes (1.0.2)

New version with the following improvements:

  • New authentication with Adobe;
  • Correction of calls via API;
  • Separation of the application from the Solution;
  • Updated Token Authentication
License (1.0.2)
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