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Rich Widgets Sample

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
Uploaded on 11 August 2020 by 
 (6 ratings)

Rich Widgets Sample

Sample module documenting usage of all RichWidgets components.
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Understand how to use the Rich Widgets web blocks
Web Blocks
Check the widgets that are commonly used in the OutSystems Platform screens. Probably you have already seen them, but never understood exactly how they work or how to use them from scratch in other screens.
More Web Blocks
Check the widgets that are available to be used in the Rich Widgets, but usually are not used in screens created by the Platform. They implement well known patterns in user interface and other common widgets available in web applications.
Formatting Actions
Check some of the formatting actions that are available to be used in the RichWidgets.
Screen Examples
Check these screen examples to know how to use these components in your screens.
Release notes (1.0.0)

Upgrade to O11

Removed unused references and elements

Improved code readability

Reviews (1)
in version 1.1.0
It is very useful. There some widgets yet not cover