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version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 15 October 2019
 (0 ratings)


Enable to set the valid period to Role. Valid period can be specified in year, month, day, hour, minute, second. Rolls are automatically turned on / off according to the validity period at any timing (Timer or screen operation).
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This module provides the feature to set the period that the user belongs to the role (or role group).

What this module includes


  • ApplyGroupUserPeriodById : Apply group user period setting with specified Id.
  • ApplyGroupUserPeriodByUser : Apply group user period settings to specific user.
  • ApplyPeriods : Apply group user period settings and user role period settings to specific user.
  • ApplyPeriodsAllUser : Apply group user period settings and user role period settings to all user.
  • ApplyUserRolePeriodById : Apply user role period setting with specified Id.
  • ApplyUserRolePeriodByUser : Apply user role period settings to specific user.

Popup Screens

  • GroupUserPeriodEditPopup : Create / Update / Delete group user period setting of each user
  • UserRolePeriodEditPopup : Create / Update / Delete user role period setting of each user

Web Blocks

  • GroupUserPeriodList : List the role groups that users have and their expiration dates
  • UserRolePeriodList : List the roles a user has and their expiration dates


  • UserRolePeriod : Preserve role expiry settings for each user

    • Id
    • UserId
    • RoleId
    • ActivatedOn
    • ExpiredOn
  • GroupUserPeriod : Preserve role group expiry settings for each user

    • Id
    • UserId
    • GroupId
    • ActivatedOn
    • ExpiredOn
Release notes (1.0.0)
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