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Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 05 November 2019 by 
 (6 ratings)


Library to use Camera directly on reactive and mobile apps only with HTML5
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Library to use Camera directly on reactive and mobile apps only with HTML5.  This component was based on and implements the same code ported to be used in reactive apps.

Backlog -

Release notes (1.0.3)
  • Change Switch Camera Icon to Dropdown with all camera available on the device
  • Change behavior in IOS. The Camera does not open in fullscreen mode anymore
  • New CameraAreaFacing that allows use User/Environment facing to user Front/Rear Camera instead DeviceIdx
  • A new attribute in CameraArea to support use of a specific initial Camera (DeviceIdx)
  • New client actions to set Default Camera: for DeviceIdx or FacingMode

Bug Fixes -

  • #1:Should be able to set the default camera to use (front-selfie or rear camera) - Reported by Bruce Buttles
  • #2:Switch-Camera Icon does not work fine in Demo app- Reported by Bruce Buttles
  • #3:Change camera not working on phone/tablet- Reported by Kevin Desmet
Reviews (1)
in version 1.0.2
Thanks for the update - it is getting better for sure!

A couple observations:

1) Demo - when I click the switch-camera icon, the first tap it changes but it sill the selfie camera. The second tap switches is to the rear camera. Also, sometimes it never switches (using Chrome on Android)

2) Should be able to set the default camera to use (front-selfie or rear camera)
