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Amazon KMS Connector

Stable version 1.1.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 29 August 2022 by 
 (0 ratings)

Amazon KMS Connector

A simple Amazon KMS connector. With this connector, you will be able to call most of all common actions from Amazon KMS SDK. You will be able to create a new Key, set polices, list keys and encrypt/decrypt texts.
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This extension is can only be used with an Amazon KMS account.

You must know how Amazon KMS works to use this extension. Please check the Amazon KMS docs.


The following actions are available:

  • CancelKeyDeletion
  • ConnectCustomKeyStore
  • CreateAlias
  • CreateCustomKeyStore
  • CreateGrant
  • CreateKey
  • Decrypt
  • DeleteAlias
  • DeleteCustomKeyStore
  • DeleteImportedKeyMaterial
  • DescribeCustomKeyStores
  • DescribeKey
  • DisableKey
  • DisableKeyRotation
  • DisconnectCustomKeyStore
  • EnableKey
  • EnableKeyRotation
  • Encrypt
  • GenerateDataKey
  • GenerateDataKeyPair
  • GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext
  • GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext
  • GenerateRandom
  • GetKeyPolicy
  • GetKeyRotationStatus
  • GetParametersForImport
  • GetPublicKey
  • ImportKeyMaterial
  • ListAliases
  • ListGrants
  • ListKeyPolicies
  • ListKeys
  • ListResourceTags
  • ListRetirableGrants
  • PutKeyPolicy
  • ReEncrypt
  • RetireGrant
  • RevokeGrant
  • ScheduleKeyDeletion
  • Sign
  • TagResource
  • UntagResource
  • UpdateAlias
  • UpdateCustomKeyStore
  • UpdateKeyDescription
  • Verify

All actions need valid and granted AWS Credentials. AccessKey and SecretKey are required.

Release notes (1.1.1)

AWS.Code updated to v3.7.

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