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Stable version 3.2.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
 on 17 January 2024
 (42 ratings)


Perform operations related to the file system, such as path string manipulation, creation and deletion of directories, reading and writing text/binary files, etc.
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Perform operations related to the file system, such as path string manipulation, creation and deletion of directories, reading and writing text/binary files, etc.. Feature List Manipulate path strings. Get the physical application directory. Create, Delete and List directories. Create, Delete, Move and Copy files. Read/Write files from/to the file system.

Use this component with care. Since it allows direct access to the file system, you can e.g. delete essential components for your app. Also be sure that, in case you use username and password to access network shares, the impersonating user does not have overly broad rights, and the username and password are not stored as plain text in a site property or the database.

Release notes (3.2.0)
  • Added Directory_Move at request of user S G, using Directory.Move.
  • Renamed Error_message in output of all actions to ErrorMessage to be consistent with other parameters.
License (3.2.0)
Reviews (8)
in version 3.1.0
Hi, this is a good library, but is there really not a `Move_Directory` function offered? There is a MoveFile function, but MoveDirectory from src to dest is important to have as well.
Answer from the owner
in version 3.1.0
Hi S G, totally agree, so I've added it. Please download version 3.2.0, which includes Directory_Move. Let us know whether it works :).
in version 3.1.0
About MoveFile action..
Despite saying that it overwrites the files if it exists, it is not true!
If the file exists in the destination, the move action fails, it does not give any exception but you can see in the output the message "FileExistsError: [WinError 183] Cannot create a file when that file already exists"
Answer from the owner
in version 3.1.0
Hi Samuel,

Where does it say that it overwrites the file? In the documentation, it says "If the file already exists at the destination location, an error is returned." This was changed when earlier this year someone made the same remark (see
in version 3.1.0
this line of code
 if (LogonUser(ssUsername, ssDomain, ssPassword, 9, 0, out phToken) != 0)
need to be
 if (LogonUser(ssUsername, ssDomain, ssPassword, 3, 0, out phToken) != 0)
as LogonUserA function take types of logon from 1 to 7 only
and i think the best choice is LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK = 3
so extension could access shared folders with username and password correctly 
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