This plugin is based on: and has been validated as part of Zebra's Certification Process for the following devices:
The plugin communicates with DataWedge (available on every Zebra device). The purpose of DataWedge is to interface with the Zebra devices' hardware, namely the scanners and the buttons to trigger the scan.
The plugin allows to communicate with DataWedge via Android Intents, allowing your app to scan barcodes/qr codes and retrieve those same codes.
The datawedge profile is created automatically for devices with a DataWedge version above 6.3. The name of the profile can be chosen, available as an input for the plugin. For devices with an older version of DataWedge, the plugin should work, but some additional configurations to the DataWedge profile are required.
1st: Listen for intents. It is required to register a broadcast receiver. Client Action RegisterBroadcastReceiver. This client action will allow the user to state the AppName where the plugin is being used, as well as the Profile Name, of the profile that will be created on DataWedge.
2nd: It is possible to send intents (commands). eg. Configuration and Control. Simulate a Trigger Press with the Client Action TriggerPress which will toggle the scanning. You can also use StartStopSoftTrigger to start/Stop the scanning, depending on the input given.
3rd: After the previous 2 steps, you can already start scanning barcodes/qr codes. To access these codes on your app, you will need to place the Web Block ScanEventWB on your app screen. This web block contains no visible content but will allow to send the codes to your app via intents. Check the demo app to understand the procedure.
For more information, read the plugin documentation where this component was based on:
A screenshot of a demo app is shown below. This app is available on the Forge.
Changed Extensibility Configurations to fix compilation issue.