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Ratings & Reviews - Web components

Stable version (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 10 February 2021
 (3 ratings)

Ratings & Reviews - Web components

This component implements the basis of a rating & reviews system à la Amazon™ or Google™ Play, with a web interface.
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This includes:

  • A rating system. The users of the component can rate the objects (shoppable items, local commerces, hotels, etc) via a single (the whole object) o multiple values (several properties associated by the type of object). Using the rating information of the different users, you can put in your site or mobile project:

    • A block that allows user to rate objects.

    • A average rating block. You can put a global average of the rating of site users.

    • An statistics rating block. It’s a summary of the rating of users, in which you can:

      • View the global average (of all properties if there is more than one) rating.

      • Filter by property (if there is more than one) and/or period of time, so you can view variations on time of the different properties that define the rated object.

  • A review system. You can let your users group their comment and rates in a review, so other users can use it as a reference for future purchases. The review is composed by a user rate and a comment related to the reviewed object. The user reviews are showed in a paginated form. 

    On anyone of these reviews, the logged others users can:
    • Like (or dislike) the review to give support (or express disagreement) to review.

    • Report the review, so the system moderator can unpublish a spam or any other bad behavior related review.

  • A simple moderation system. A moderator can supervise all the reviews via moderation views. In these views, that user type can:

    • View all the reviews, filtered by section and/or by state:

      • View all publications from all users

      • View the reviews that are moderation pending; when the default publication state for a section is defined as "Moderation pending", a moderator has to approve that publication. Before that, the review is only visible for the publishing user.

      • View the reviews that has been reported by other users; when a user reports a publication of other user, and if the total reports are greater than the maximum allowed reports for that section, the commet pass to "Moderation pending" too, so only the publishing user can view it. 

    • Change the publication state of any not discarded review, approving or discarding it. If a moderator discards a review, the review and the rating of the user for the current object is marked as discarded, so it updates the stats of that object as its ratings never existed.

Using it on your application

To use our Ratings & Reviews system with you application, you have to:

  • Reference the CS module library.

  • Reference the corresponding UI module (mobile or web).

  • Drag and drop the block/webblock to your module.

The Ratings & Reviews systems works as a black box systems: it doesn’t know anything about the site/mobile app that uses it. The reference between both systems is provided by the stream. The stream is a object that relates all the contents (rates, reviews and their stats). 

This system includes a very simple backoffice application, so you can define the different sections (type of ratable objects) and their properties (if apply). You must relate that sections with your own system’s ones.

When you include the rating/review blocks on your module, it creates a stream object on creation of first rate/review, and send an event so you can relate internally that stream within your own system. Afterly, you must provide that stream identifier to the block so the Rates & Reviews system returns the stored info for that stream.


  • You provide the section identifier and a null stream identifier to the block the first time, and while there is no user rate/reviews.

  • On rating/review creation, it raise an event with the stream identifier info.

  • You have to update the parameter of the block with the new stream identifier for the successive uses to work properly.

User avatars for reviews

The control implements a very simple avatar system, based on the UI Avatars (https://ui-avatars.com/) API. You can overwrite the current avatar system modifing the methods GetUserAvatar and GetUsersAvatars from the RR_CS library.

Release notes (

Updated dependencies.

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