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Cool Data Mover

Stable version 2.7.24 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 26 November 2024
 (23 ratings)

Cool Data Mover

Ultimate data management for OutSystems. Tests, migrations, bug fixing and/or backups. Being able to move data quickly and without errors is crucial in these types of actions. CoolProfs developed the Cool Data Mover, the first fully integrated component for automated data migration between OutSystems environments.
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Automated data migration between OutSystems environments

Testing, migrations, bug fixing, training, backups. These kinds of mundane actions become a lot more manageable with fast, easy and, above all, error-free data transfer. This is why we developed the Cool Data Mover, the first fully integrated component for automated data migration between OutSystems environments.

The Cool Data Mover has already been installed and used more than 200 times by 50 organizations around the world since its release in 2019.

Do you recognize these situations?

  • Data is difficult to move between different OutSystems environments
  • Importing large amounts of data is difficult and time-consuming
  • A backup has to be restored over and over again, for example in a training environment 
  • Data must be moved between environments to reproduce a problem
  • Filters must be applied when copying data
  • Restoring production data is challenging if you want to comply with AVG/GDPR regulations

What if you…

  • Could import large amounts of data automatically?
  • Could have an easy-to-use migration tool written by OutSystems experts?
  • Could copy data automatically, effortlessly and without programming?
  • Could anonymize data while copying?

Thanks to the Cool Data Mover, our quality assurance has greatly improved. It has proven to be an essential tool when rolling out new functionality.

Rainforest Alliance

The Cool Data Mover allows you to easily automate the export and import of data between environments on any platform installation (PaaS, On Premise and Hybrid)

The Cool Data Mover is a licensed product. You can request a fully functional free trial license by sending an email to Provide your environment's activation code and we will send you a license. You can also visit to request a license.

This license needs to be installed on your OutSystems environment before you can install the Cool Data Mover.

On our website, you will find all the necessary files to try out the Cool Data Mover.

The following files are available here:

  1. CDM Manual -- This document will explain how to install the Cool Data Mover in your environment
  2. The Release notes
  3. The Cool Data Mover API documentation
  4. Cool Data Mover - 2.x.y.v11 - This is the latest version of the full application you need for an OutSystems version 11 environment
  5. Cool Data Mover - 2.5.7.v10 - This is the full application you need for an OutSystems version 10 environment. It is the latest supported version for v10 environments.

Link to the download page:

Release notes (2.7.24)

New features

  • Added a new formatted text anonymization option specifying a list of options.
    Example: {Options:Male|Female|Unknown}
  • Added a new numeric anonymization option specifying a list of options.
    Example: {Options:1|2|3|10}
  • Upgraded the .NET Framework to version 4.8 for CDM Extensions
  • Removed references to (old version of) System.Text.Json.dll which was no longer used in CDM Extensions.
  • Import keys (see run logs) are now always added for Users and Tenants
  • Skipping a mandatory foreign key is now possible if the delete rule of the relation is set to Ignorable.
  • Added a warning to the export screen when attributes within the package are set to anonymize but the export setting prevents anonymization.
  • Added encrypted user information to the user export files.
  • Made the site property CDM_Base.WebServiceKey a secret
    As a result the site properties value will be reset by Outsystems (once). 
    Therefore, before upgrading, please save the value of the WebServiceKey and after upgrading, enter the saved value again 
  • Added the webservice key to the environment screen (which requires Admin privileges)
  • Added the new ‘Sequence’ anonymization option for integer-based attributes. The sequence generates a new unique integer for every row exported (for the specified attribute). Starting at the given starting point (Start from) and incrementing each row with the given Interval. So, starting from 10 with an interval of 2 would generate a sequence of 10, 12, 14 etc…. 
  • Updated the installation documentation (only needed for first time install)
  • Changed the CDM_LifeTimeWS webservice to ‘Internal Network Only’

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in which exported BPT processes were written to the Import storage location instead of the export storage location.
  • Fixed an issue in which the User, Tenant and Espace modules were not added to the package during the upload of a new definition if the ‘Move Referenced Users’ was set.
  • Fixed an issue with randomization, making it ‘more’ random.
  • Fixed the colors of the environment sticker.
  • Fixed an issue with the anonymization dropdown which sometimes contained duplicate options
  • Fixed an issue which caused in an error during export in the following situation. When the datatype of the primary key of entity P (Parent) is Text, and the datatype of the identifier of entity E (Extension) was of type ‘P Identifier’.
  • Change some styling features like the logo and the CoolProfs tag in the footer.
  • Minor performance updates

License (2.7.24)
Reviews (5)
in version 2.3.0
Moving production data back into the DTA environments was always a challenge, especially considering the GDPR regulations. The built-in data scrambler makes the monumental feat of data migration a walk in the park. Brilliant product!
in version 2.3.0
This is by far the most comprehensive data toolset available for the Outsystems platform. Several data operations are supported like export, import, delete, anonymize and filter data. You can easily setup various scenario's to automate complex data operations and activate them with just one-click. For example, you can setup a scenario where you want to restore a backup over and over again, which is very usefull in a training environment where you want to reinstall the original dataset. Or, when you want to synchronize two environments. Or, when you want to move one specific dataset from one environment to another in order to reproduce a defect. The data mover provides lot's of good stuff, try it out! Use the tutorial to experience various scenario's.
in version 2.3.0
Perfect data-migrations across all stages of your infrastructure based upon the data models in the factory, no coding required! (even moving PaaS data to on premise or vice versa)
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