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Waiting Loading

Stable version 2.1.5 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 26 November 2020
 (3 ratings)

Waiting Loading

Spinner and bars in full-screen mode, to wait for runs of logic flows.
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In a mobile environment, there is sometimes a need to block the screen, totally or partially, so that the user can't take any action until the previous action is finished. While this action is taking place, it is good to inform the user that a task is being performed. And so I leave here two loaders. And since for the youngest there is always this difficulty, I leave here this component.

How to use:

  • Create a boolean variable, e.g. SpinnerMode 
  • Drag the block into the screen tree

  • At the beginning of the flow do set the Boolean variable as shown in the figure, and at the end of the flow repeat the same. This process will activate the loader and disable it respectively.

Thank you and I hope this component will facilitate your work.

Release notes (2.1.5)
  • Introduction of the possibility to change the background color of Waiting loading. It is now possible to choose between the different colors available in the "Color" entity of OutsystemsUI.
  • Introduction of the possibility to change the Background opacity between medium and opaque.
  • Introduction of a component that contains different styles of animated loaders created with CSS.
  • Code improvements.
  • Update to the latest version of the OutSystems UI.
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