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String Utils

Stable version 1.0.4 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 03 January 2024
 (10 ratings)

String Utils

A library of string utilities extending the platform string manipulation capabilities
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The following are the string functions provided by this extension 

  • string Reverse(string input)

  Reverse the given input.  

  • bool EndsWith(string input , string search, bool ignoreCase)

  Determines whether the end of input string instance matches the search string. ignoreCase determines to ignore case or not.

  •  bool StartsWith(string input , string search, bool ignoreCase)

  Determines whether the start of input string instance matches the search string. ignoreCase determines to ignore case or not.

  •  string Insert(string input ,int startIndex, string search, bool insert)

  Returns a new string in which the insert string is inserted at a specified index position in the input.

  • string Left(string input ,int length)

Returns a string containing a specified number(length) of characters from the left side of the input.

  • string Right(string input ,int length)

Returns a string containing a specified number(length) of characters from the right side of the input.

  •  string Remove(string input, int startIndex)

  Returns a new string in which all the characters in the input beginning at a specified position(startIndex) and continuing through the last position, have been deleted.

  • string RemoveDuplicateChars(string input)
  •   Returns a new string with all the duplicate characters removed. 

  • string RemoveWithCount(string input, int startIndex, int count)

Returns a new string in which a specified number of characters (count) in the input beginning at a specified position (startIndex) have been deleted.

  • string Replace(string input, string search, string replace) 

Returns a new string in which all occurrences of a specified string (search) in the input are replaced with another specified (replace) string.

  • string UpperCaseFirst(string input) 

Returns a new string upper casing the first character of the input.

Release notes (1.0.4)
  • Demo migrated from legacy Vanilla Theme
  • named, according to Outsystems Best Practices
  • repackaged into applications instead of downloadable modules, so that it is upgradable from Forge:
    • separate Application, containing the Extension
    • separate Application, containing the Demo
License (1.0.4)
Reviews (1)
in version 1.0.3
This is the one if you're looking for doing string manipulations.
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