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Timer Map

Stable version 3.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
 on 05 April 2021
 (10 ratings)

Timer Map

The Timer Map application provides a graphical interface for monitoring your timer executions, as well as, identifying overlapping timer schedules.
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Features List:

  • Planning view, representing timers in a calendar like interface
  • Runs view, displaying logged timer executions within a given period using a timeline diagram.
  • Scheduling view displaying a generic 24-hour window, with different filtering options, the effective schedules and timeouts configured for active timers.
  • Extends the platform meta-model for timers with additional attributes (e.g. HighPayload flag).  

Main Benefits:

  • Plan infrastructure interventions and audit issues with timers by validating against the actual calendarized run
  • Visualize concurrent timer executions using a timeline that leverages data from multiple sources (timer log, timer configuration, average timer duration); 
  • Easily identify scheduling conflicts based on active timer configurations.


  • ardoJSON

Credits to both André Vieira and Rui Mendes from OutSystems for initial developments of the Timer Map application.


Release notes (3.0.1)

This component was rewritten from the ground up. It uses now FullCalendar2 component, instead of the one built in from previous versions.

3 Detailed views:

  • Timer list with metrics
  • Calendar View of timer runs
  • Heatmap of timer runs

Dependency cleanup.

Reviews (1)
19 Feb (3 days ago)
in version 3.0.1
* Extra application objects
* Outdated dependencies (for about 3 years)
* After I refreshed the broken dependencies, I wasn't able to load any data on the calendar
* Referencing Inactive Espaces.
* Only shows 50 Espaces on the screen and we have much larger number.  A drop down or open text search would be better.
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