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Validation Tools

Stable version 4.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
 on 30 July 2019
 (10 ratings)

Validation Tools

Provides widgets and actions to validate commonly used numbers. Includes portuguese and brazilian specific validations.
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ValidationTools solution provides a set of widgets and actions to validate commonly used numbers, some of them only for Portugal and Brazil.
Use actions for validation done in server side or widgets to validate in client side.

Generic Validations:
  • Credit card number
  • Email
Portuguese specific:
  • BI/CC
  • NISS - also includes action to generate valid number
  • NIF - also includes action to generate valid number
  • NIB - also includes action to generate valid number
Brazilian specific:
  • PIS - also includes action to generate valid number
  • CPF - also includes action to generate valid number
  • CNPJ - also includes action to generate valid number
Mask support (using jQuey component):
Client-side widgets include also support to add input mask to numbers, available for:
  • NIB
  • PIS
  • CPF
  • CNPJ
Release notes (4.0.1)

New rules by the Portuguese Fiscal Authority now include NIF starting with 74. Thank you to Francisco Faustino for the heads up.

Converted demo to OAP

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