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OutSystems Sample Data

Stable version 2.9.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 23 January 2023 by 
 (27 ratings)

OutSystems Sample Data

A module with sample data to accelerate app prototyping and development.
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This system module contains entities and sample data (such as employee names, accounts, products, transactions, and much more) to accelerate app prototyping and development. 

Key features:

  • Different sets of sample data to use when prototyping screens
  • More than 15 entities for different use cases
  • Easy to reset data if needed
  • Built for Traditional Web, Reactive Web and Mobile apps

Release notes (2.9.0)
  • RESA-3655 - Normalized the Sample App Order Management's sample data with the OutSystems Sample Data app
  • RESA-3657 - Normalized the Sample App Issue Tracker's sample data with the OutSystems Sample Data app
  • RESA-3673 - Normalized the Sample App Task Manager's sample data with the OutSystems Sample Data app
  • RESA-3671 - Normalized the Sample App Sales CRM's sample data with the OutSystems Sample Data app

License (2.9.0)
Reviews (1)
in version 1.2.0
It won't install.

Service Studio Version: (branches/r11_SS @ 274875)

Platform Server Version: Internal Version

Service Studio connected to: personal-oowx7g4f.outsystemscloud.com

Application: OutSystems Sample Data
Key: olLbBj7O0k21Bxdu0TZIiQ
Solution: OutSystems Sample Data

Channel: Stable
Has Text Data in Clipboard: False
Has Oml Data in Clipboard: False

Session Information:
    SessionId: b96e17ab-641692374.923941-8404

System Information:
    InstallerId: FDAAAE08-E54D-A347-8E0F-694E34EC5997
    SSId: l9+QB0cW5oA7h6+ExBgDKcASbns=
    ActivationCode: B7Y.R1C.NXT.JLB.HIB.BPD.WSC.WOU
    DotNetVersion: 4.0.30319.42000
    OSVersion: Windows 10 (x64 architecture) [10.0.19042.0]
    RunningInX64Mode: true
    IsElevated: false
    ElevationType: UAC enabled and not elevated
    WindowsTheme: Aero (Aero)
    HardwareAcceleration: Good (2/2)
    DisplayColorDepth: 32bits
    PrimaryScreenWidth: 1280
    PrimaryScreenHeight: 1024
    VirtualScreenWidth: 2720
    VirtualScreenHeight: 1024
    OverRemoteDesktop: No
    IsTabletPC: Yes

/--- Aggregator 1 (Development - personal-oowx7g4f.outsystemscloud.com) ---\

Current Tutorial: None
Platform Server Information:
    Version: Internal Version
    ActivationCode: B7Y.R1C.NXT.JLB.HIB.BPD.WSC.WOU
    IPP: Protected
    MultiplePAs: True
    BusinessProcessAPI: True
    LicenseType: Development
    LicenseEdition: Personal
    Sandbox: True

Application Server: IIS 10.0

Model Features:
    ModelFeature_AggregateStartIndex - Reactive Web - Aggregate Start Index
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_ClientVariableInsideDataSource - Client Variables in Data Sources
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_ClientVariables - Client Variables for Mobile and Reactive Apps
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_ConsumeSOAP - Consume SOAP
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Unknown
    ModelFeature_CrossDeviceKind - Reactive Web
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_ElementsMetadata - Elements metadata (ServiceStudio-only feature)
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Unknown
    ModelFeature_ExposeSOAP - Expose SOAP
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Unknown
    ModelFeature_ExternalDatabasesIntegration - External Databases Integration
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Unknown
    ModelFeature_HumanActivitiesReactiveDestination - Reactive screen as destination on Human Activities
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_LibraryModules - Library Modules
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_MarkInIsolatedDB - Isolated Databases
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Preview
        ConnectedEnvironment: Preview
    ModelFeature_ModuleWithPreCDFeatures - New Feature (ServiceStudio-only feature)
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Unknown
    ModelFeature_NonQueryableStaticEntities - Non-queryable Static Entities
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_OptimizerMobile - Client-side optimizations for Mobile Apps
        FeatureToggleValue: On
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_OptimizerReactive - Client-side optimizations for Reactive Web Apps
        FeatureToggleValue: On
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_OutSystems_Plugin_NRWidgets_IsDefaultPropertyForButtons - Is Form Default Property for Buttons in Mobile and Reactive modules
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_OutSystems_Plugin_NRWidgets_MobileTableRecords - Reactive Web - Table Widget
        FeatureToggleValue: UseCodeDefault
        ServiceStudioStatus: Stable
        ConnectedEnvironment: Stable
    ModelFeature_OutSystems_Plugin_NRWidgets_OptionsContentPropertyForDropdown - Options Content P