Web icon API

Stable version 2.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 21 August 2018
 (3 ratings)
fixer-io-api API

Fixer is a simple and lightweight API for current and historical foreign exchange (forex) rates.
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Available features:

Free tier: 

The free tier grants access to three endpoints that provide the following features:

- GetSymbols: returns all the available symbols on Fixer.

- GetLatestValues: returns the latest available FX rates for a given set of currencies.

- GetHistoricalValues: returns the latest FX rates for a given set of currencies on a given date.

In order to use this, create an account on and configure the API key.

Paid tier:

You can request a trial for this (thanks Andreas and Fixer support team):

- Convert: converts two currencies with the latest or historical values.

- GetTimeseries: lists all the values of a given set of currencies between two dates.

- GetFluctuation: lists the difference between two dates on a set of currencies.

The Convert has a workaround: there is a function that converts the values against available values. Additional improvements on this are on the way!

Release notes (2.0.0)

Fixed an issue with endpoint invocation and fixed some bugs on the CalculateConversion function.

Reviews (1)
in version 2.0.0
Works as advertised. Will be excited when OutSystems decides to implement dynamic variable assignment, but for now this is a great workaround. 
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