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Unit Testing Framework

Stable version 1.0.8 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10 and Older
Uploaded on 19 July 2020 by 
 (38 ratings)

Unit Testing Framework

Unit Testing Framework allows you to easily develop and run unit tests for your OutSystems Platform projects. Get the comprehensive user guide from: http://tinyurl.com/utf-manual
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For some parts of your system, you may find unit testing a good alernative to UI-based testing. Unit testing can be particularly effective for calculation engines and for business service components. Having a good set of unit tests for your system can help greatly when you come to change or refactor your system, as regression testing is automated and simple.

Feature List

  • Develop unit tests using familiar arrange-act-assert pattern
  • Test public actions of an eSpace, or private actions if tests are included in same eSpace
  • Includes set of basic assert actions; you can add more yourself if required
  • Test results summarised at test level, with further drill-down to show results for all assertions within test
  • Automated scanning of environments to dynamically discover and include new unit tests published in any eSpace
  • Automated republishing of unit test eSpace whenever code-under-test eSpace changes
  • Run and re-run sets of unit tests as required
  • Works with test-after or test-driven development

Main Benefits

  • Business logic can be tested independently of any UI, making tests less brittle than Selenium-based UI testing
  • Ideal for systems developed using 4-layer architecture recommended by OutSystems
  • Makes it easier to do test-driven development, if desired
  • Can alleviate reluctance to adopt OutSystems Agile Platform because of previous lack of unit testing support

Get the comprehensive user guide from: https://tinyurl.com/utf-manual

Release notes (1.0.8)

Update of Core and UI modules according to the latest version of OutSystems. Removal of components that were no longer being used.

Reviews (1)
in version 1.0.7
Works as expected
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