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Amazon S3

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 27 January 2021
 (9 ratings)

Amazon S3

A simpler and well-documented way to integrate with Amazon S3.
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  • CreateFolder - Create a new folder
  • DeleteFile - Delete File in Amazon S3
  • DuplicateFile - Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3.
  • FetchFile - Retrieves objects from Amazon S3
  • FetchFileUrl - Create a signed URL allowing access to a resource that would usually require authentication.
  • ListFiles - This method will return a list of objects from an S3 Bucket  according to the ModifiedFrom and ModifiedTo dates input.
  • SaveFile - Save File in Amazon S3.
  • UpdateFile - Update File content in Amazon S3
Release notes (1.0.0)

Updated to platform 11.

Reviews (0)
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