With this component you can consume Amazon Rekognition, more specifically, object and scene detection, facial analysis and face comparison after uploading an image.
How to use: Use RekDetectFaces and RekDetectLabels actions in order to consume AWS.
The first one enables you to automatically identify thousands of objects and provides you with a confidence score for each object whereas, with the second one, you can locate faces within images and analyze face attributes, such as whether the face is smiling, eyes are open, or showing emotions. When analyzing an image, Rekognition will return the position and a rectangular frame for each detected face along with landmark points such as left eye, right eye, nose, left corner of the mouth, and right corner of the mouth. This position information can be used to deliver additional functionality such as automatic face frames, highlights, or crops.
To consume this component you need to fill in your AWS credentials on configuration screen.
See more details on: https://aws.amazon.com/rekognition
Added functionalities