The Service Center Factory Configuration application allows you to change the configuration of the components of your Service Center Factory. You can customize Service Center known Configurations for an eSpace or create Shared Configurations that will apply to several eSpaces, such as specifying a default proxy for web service calls. This and other common samples of Shared Configurations have been already created for you and are available as pre-made samples.
Feature List
Warning: This component is not supported in Personal or Trial environments. Personal and Trial are offered on shared infrastructure where advanced configurations may affect other users and are therefore not supported.
Adds a setting "Enable Client Runtime Filename Versioning". Enabling this option activates a stale cache prevention mechanism that appends the file content hash into the filename as a suffix separated by a double underscore. As an example, file 'my-file.js' would be renamed to 'my-file__abc.js' and requests to it would become 'my-file__abc.js?abc'. This applies only to Mobile and Reactive apps and to all deployed files, except for the following: 'index.html', 'indexDynamic.html', 'LICENSES.txt', '_error.html', 'cordova.js', 'favicon.png', and 'BasePath.js'. Available in Platform Server 11.30.0 onwards.
Adds a setting "Client Runtime Filename Versioning Exclusion Regex". This option excludes custom files from being versioned if their filename matches the submitted regex, therefore, it only works if the "Enable CDN Client Runtime Filename Versioning" option is enabled. The filtering applies to all the files deployed with all the Mobile and Reactive applications. Available in Platform Server 11.30.0 onwards.