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PDF Generator Plugin

Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 12 January 2022
 (7 ratings)

PDF Generator Plugin

Plugin that enables PDF generation from HTML documents or URLs entirely on the device.
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OutSystems Mobile plugin that offers PDF generation functionalities and easily allows to print directly from the device or share the PDF through email.


  • On device PDF generation from HTML or URL
  • Integration with handlebarsjs framework for an easy to use template engine so that you can easily generate PDF with dynamic content on the device.
  • Obtain a Base64 representation of the generated PDF.

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • iOS

Usage Quirks

When using local HTML data to generate PDF files, images have to be represented in Base64 and all styles have to be in the same document, either inline or in a style tag.

Known Issues

As of the current version, pagination using CSS style "page-break-after" crash's on iOS.


This OutSystems Mobile plugin is largely built on top of the cordova plugin by Cesar Valdez licensed using an MIT License. 

Release notes (1.0.2)

- Compatibile with MABS 8

- Removed missing dependencies in Demo

Reviews (1)
in version 1.0.1
With this plugin, we can create pdf data either from html string or url.
If we need offline reporting, creating pdf from html string can be the solution.
But javascript function pdf.htmlToPdf which is wrapped in this module(v1.0.1) is marked as deprecated in the document of cordova-pdf-generator.
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