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Image Rotator

Stable version 1.2.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 10 November 2022
 (3 ratings)

Image Rotator

Removes metadata from image and returns the binary in the right direction / rotation based on the metadata the image use to contain. If a file is added that is not an image file the binary will be returned unchanged There are 4 inputs. 2 of them are required. - Binary (image to convert) - Resolution (This is the dots per inch. If left on the default value it will not change the resolution) - Size (this is a percentage and can be set. If left to 100 the original height and width will be maintained) - Quality(can be set from 0 to 100, 100 being the best quality. I recommend using 50)
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Removes metadata from image and returns the binary in the right direction / rotation based on the metadata the image use to contain. If a file is added that is not an image file the binary will be returned unchanged

Release notes (1.2.1)

Removed test project from solution

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