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Web Notifications

Stable version 1.0.2 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
Uploaded on 18 May 2017 by 
 (10 ratings)

Web Notifications

Integration with Google Firebase to take advantage of the Notifications API. If you think what mobile device feature is missing on web, push notifications is probably it.
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Keep in mind this is a best effort component, all feedback is welcome :)

How it works? This is a great article for you to understand what the component does behind the scenes.

Why Web Notifications? Here's a great video from google explaining it.

See browsers limitations here

Instructions here


  • Push notifications to users
  • On Notification click, if you already have the tab opened, it will focus, otherwise it will open a new tab with the desired URL.
  • Configure the icon and the badge to be displayed on the notification
  • Set an image inside the notification (Chrome only)
  • Define actions to display inside the notifications (Chrome only)
    • Name
    • Icon
    • URL - If the OpenNewWindow is false it will make a GET request to this URL ("silent update")
    • OpenNewWindow
  • Group notifications by TAG (Notifications with the same TAG will replace existing ones)
  • Web responsive

Great component for you to engage with your application users

Release notes (1.0.2)

Fixed bug on PushNotificationToUserId action

Reviews (0)