Reactive icon


Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 25 Sep (2 days ago)
 (1 rating)


The SearchBoldify component is a reusable block created for OutSystems applications that serves to enhance user interaction with textual content. This component allows users to input a search query which then automatically bolds any instances of matching text within the displayed content. This action is particularly beneficial for users who need to quickly identify and focus on relevant pieces of information within dense text areas or documents.
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Key Features:

Dynamic Search Term Recognition: Users can input any term into the search, and the SearchBoldify block will immediately apply a bold style to matching text.

Ease of Integration: Designed as a reusable block, it can be easily added to any OutSystems screen, ensuring a consistent functionality where needed.

Customizable Appearance:Developers can customize the look and feel of the bolded text to align with their application's design guidelines.

Enhanced User Experience:By making search terms stand out with bold formatting, users can more easily navigate through content, resulting in a more efficient information retrieval process.

The SearchBoldify component is crafted to streamline user workflows by visually emphasizing the searched terms, thereby facilitating quicker and more effective information discovery within your applications.

Release notes (1.0.0)
License (1.0.0)
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