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Delay Timer ( Loop )

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 26 Aug (6 days ago)
 (0 ratings)

Delay Timer ( Loop )

To efficiently monitor database changes and provide real-time feedback to end users, implement Delay Control on your page as follows: Add Delay Control: Integrate the Delay Control component into your page to manage periodic execution. Configure the Loop: Set up a loop within the Delay Control to regularly check for changes in the database. Check Database Changes: Within the loop, query the database to detect any modifications. Display Notifications: If changes are detected, use the Delay Control to trigger messages or notifications to inform the end user. By applying these steps, you ensure that database updates are continuously monitored and users are promptly informed of any relevant changes.
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To efficiently monitor database changes and provide real-time feedback to end users, implement Delay Control on your page as follows:

Add Delay Control: Integrate the Delay Control component into your page to manage periodic execution.

Configure the Loop: Set up a loop within the Delay Control to regularly check for changes in the database.

Check Database Changes: Within the loop, query the database to detect any modifications.

Display Notifications: If changes are detected, use the Delay Control to trigger messages or notifications to inform the end user.

By applying these steps, you ensure that database updates are continuously monitored and users are promptly informed of any relevant changes.

Release notes (1.0.0)
License (1.0.0)
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