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Get User Name In Expression

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 10 Jul (6 days ago) by 
 (1 rating)

Get User Name In Expression

This app is used to get the user's name by User id in expression.
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The GetUserNameByID component is a powerful and easy-to-use tool designed for OutSystems applications, enabling developers to retrieve a user's name by their User ID within expressions. This component simplifies the process of accessing user information, making it ideal for applications that require dynamic user data retrieval.

Efficient Data Retrieval:

  • Quickly retrieves user names by their unique User ID.
  • Optimized for performance to ensure minimal impact on application speed.

Simple Configuration:

  • Easy to configure with minimal setup required.
  • Clear documentation and examples provided for quick implementation.

How to Use:

  1. Installation:

    • Download and install the GetUserNameByID component from the OutSystems Forge.
    • Add the component to your application module.
  2. Implementation:

    • Drag and drop the GetUserNameByID action into your logic flow where you need to retrieve the user name.
    • Provide the User ID as an input parameter to the action.
    • The component will return the corresponding user name as an output parameter, which can be used in expressions or displayed directly in the UI.
Release notes (1.0.0)
License (1.0.0)
Reviews (1)
11 Jul (5 days ago)
in version 1.0.0
Great Knowledge