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Feedback Jira Cloud Driver

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 19 Apr by 
 (3 ratings)

Feedback Jira Cloud Driver

API Interface to Sync issues to your Jira Cloud. This app part of a bigger solution including the Feedback Sync, Feedback Issue Router and one of the available Driver apps to get feedback submitted your environment's on ECT Provider and sync it to your Project Management tool of choice, such as Jira Server/Cloud and Azure DevOps.
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Why build another sync to project management asset?

This solution has two big advantages over other available solutions on forge:

  1. This solution allows us to collect feedback from an OutSystems environment without necessarily having the credentials to our PM Tool on that same OutSystems environment.

  2. This solution allows us to sync feedback submitted on different apps to different Projects inside the same project management tool.

Complete Solution:

  • Feedback Sync: Gather feedback and send it to Router

  • Feedback Issue Router: Route received feedback to the correct Project Management tool

  • Drivers: API Interfaces to the PM Tools (Choose one or more)

    • Feedback Jira Cloud Driver

    • Feedback Jira Server Driver

    • Feedback Azure DevOps Driver

This solution works by:

  1. (Feedback Sync App) Checking every 15 minutes if there is any feedback "Open" on configured apps to mark as closed and send to the Router app

  2. (Feedback Issue Router) Receives feedback sync requests from known sources¹ to the configured project management tool(Jira/DevOps), project inside the PM Tool, using the credentials it stores encrypted on the database. Then, it routes the request to one of the available driver apps.

  3. (Driver Apps) Currently, there are 3 Driver apps: Jira Cloud Driver, Jira Server Driver, Azure DevOps Driver. These apps receive the request from the Issue Router app and maps the request to the prover API call of the desired PM Tool.

The issues submitted, when synced with this tool, are created as Stories inside of an Epic by default. The Epic can be created automatically by the API, or you can inform the code to an existing epic task on your project.

The submitted feedback, when created on the PM Tool, contains the following information for the submitted feedback:

  • User Name, Date Time, Comment, Screen and Module, Environment label and the URL to ECT_Provider feedback on your environment

IMPORTANT: The driver Apps were made expecting your projects on Jira/DevOps do not contain any mandatory "Custom fields". If your project uses vanilla configurations, it will work. If not, once you download the driver, you will have to customize the API call request to the PM tool. For more information, check the documentation page on those drivers.

[1] Although the REST service exposed on the router does not require any authentication, the logic inside it only accepts requests that were signed with the Feedback Sync App's private key and can be validated with the Public Key it knows that project on the Feedback Sync App has. This configuration should be done manually on the Feedback Issue Routes App.

Release notes (1.0.0)
License (1.0.0)
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