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Client Text Utils

Stable version 1.0.3 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 20 Mar by 
 (7 ratings)

Client Text Utils

Text utils application with client-side functions of Text Cases, Regex, Join, Split, Insert, CopyToClipboard, HtmlToPlainText, RemoveSpecialCharacters and others. It can be used in Reactive or Mobile applications.
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Client Text Utils is an application that provides useful client-side functions to manipulating text.

  • Cases: functions for applying Text Cases to text, like camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case and others.

  • Regex: use Regular Expressions to search, replace or check the existence of a set of characters in a given string.

  • String: manipulate your string with Join, Split, LastIndexOf, Insert, and other functions.

  • Utils: various functions for manipulating text, such as Copy To Clipboard, Remove Extra Spaces, HTML To Plain Text and more.
Release notes (1.0.3)

Included functions for applying Text Cases to text:

  • CamelCase: single word without space, with first word lowercase and others capitalized (camelCase).
  • PascalCase: single word without space, all words capitalized (PascalCase).
  • ProperCase: every word capitalized (Proper Case).
  • SentenceCase: first word of the sentence capitalized (Sentence case).
  • SnakeCase: all words lowercase, space replaced by underscore (snake_case).
License (1.0.3)
Reviews (4)
15 Mar
in version 1.0.2
Top, muito bom!!
26 Feb
in version 1.0.0
Excelente, muito bom!
23 Feb
in version 1.0.0
Excellent, I was looking for regex match for client actions.