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Reactive Utilities

Stable version 1.0.4 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Other versions available for 10
 on 11 July 2021
 (16 ratings)

Reactive Utilities

A group of multiple utilities to use on your Mobile or Reactive applications. The main goal is to bring Text, HttpRequestHandler, and other extensions from the server-side to the client-side.
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A set of reactive utilities to reduce development time and increase productivity. It’s recommended to read the documentation and consult the demo application for better comprehension.

Features list


  • Get the device date and time.


  • Cypher a text using SHA512 algorithm.


  • Highlight a text list with a searched value.


  • Create a debug log.
  • Create a start sync debug log.
  • Create an end sync debug log.
  • Delete all client logs.


  • Focus on an input after a timeout.
  • Execute a function after a timeout.
  • Start a timer to execute a periodical action.
  • Stop a started timer.

HTTP Request Handler: 

  • Add a favicon in the application.
  • Get the domain application.
  • Get the page name location.
  • Perform a GET request (using REST API).

Custom menu: 

  • Create and retrieve a custom menu.


  • Execute a set of mathematical functions.


  • Split a text by a splitter character.


  • Generate a random decimal.
  • Generate a random integer.
  • Generate a random GUID (RFC 4122).


  • Replace a text inside another one.
  • Search a pattern inside a text.
  • Verify if a pattern exists inside a text.


  • Valid an email.
  • Valid a text.
  • Valid a NaN (not-a-number).
  • Javascript events:
  • Trigger a click on a button or a link.
  • Set the focus on an input.

Keyboard keys:

  • Close the keyboard pressing the Enter key.
  • Get a character code.
  • Detect an Enter press.
  • Trigger a click when pressing a key.
  • Trigger a button when pressing the Enter key.

Close feedback messages:

  • Close a feedback message using CSS property,
  • Close a feedback message using Outsystems API.
  • Close a feedback message after a timeout.

Release notes (1.0.4)

⦁Regex_* utilities now accept flags for complex patterns.

⦁Removed unused ClassContainerItem parameter for highlight feature.

⦁Changed missing action icons to better identify component actions. 

⦁Added missing Javascript code for Debug_DeleteAll action.

⦁Fix the setTimeout action.

⦁Fix the closeFeedbackWithTimeout action.

⦁New demo application.

⦁Documentation created.

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