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Restrict URL for specific IP Check

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 15 November 2023
 (0 ratings)

Restrict URL for specific IP Check

These functions collectively provide a set of utilities for working with IP addresses, subnet masks, and CIDR notation in the context of networking.
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 - This function takes an IPv4 address as input.

 - It splits the IP address into octets using the dot as a delimiter.

 - Each octet is then converted to its binary representation (8 bits) using 

    Number(e).toString(2).padStart(8, '0').

 - The resulting binary representations are joined together, forming the complete binary representation of the IP address.


 - This function uses the ipToBin function to convert the IP address to its binary representation.

 - The binary representation is then converted to a decimal (base-10) number using parseInt(..., 2).

 - The result is an integer representing the long form of the IP address.


 - This function takes a decimal number and converts it to its 32-bit binary representation.

 - The binary string is divided into four 8-bit segments.

 - Each segment is then converted back to decimal, and the resulting array is joined with dots to form the IPv4 address.


 - This function takes a CIDR notation as input.

 - It generates a binary string with the first cidr bits set to '1' and the remaining bits set to '0'.

 - The binary string is then converted to a decimal (base-10) number using parseInt(..., 2).


 - This function performs a bitwise AND operation between the IP address and the subnet mask.

 - The result is treated as an unsigned 32-bit integer.


 - This function performs a bitwise OR operation between the IP address and the bitwise NOT of the subnet mask.

 - The result is treated as an unsigned 32-bit integer.


 - This function checks if a given remoteIp falls within the subnet range specified by acceptIp and cidr (subnet mask length).


 - This function determines the class of an IP address (A, B, C, D, or E) based on its numeric representation.

Release notes (1.0.0)
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