List Actions Documentation
Adds an element to the end of a list.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record List.The list to add the element to.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record.The element to be added to the end of the list.
Sorts the elements of the List parameter by the given criteria. Note that ListSort is different from the dynamic sorting in Aggregates. Multiple attributes having different data types (such as Text and Integer) in the criteria may not sort the list correctly. You can sort different kinds of lists, like lists of basic types (for example, Text List, Integer List), Lists of Entity records, Lists of Structures, and Record Lists.
Type: mandatory, Any List.The list that contains the elements to sort by the given criteria.
Type: mandatory, Any Data Type.The criteria by which to order the elements of the list.
Type: optional, Boolean.The boolean expression to indicate if the elements are sorted ascending (True) or descending (False) according to the By parameter. The default value is ascending (True).
Adds the elements of the source list to the end of the destination list.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record List.The destination List.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record List.The list whose elements will be added.
Removes all elements from a list.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record List.The list to remove the elements from.
Returns a new list with the elements from the List parameter satisfying the given condition.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record List.The list that contains the elements to which to apply the condition.
Type: mandatory, Boolean.The boolean expression to check for on each element of the list.
Type: Generic Record List.A new list with the elements that satisfy the condition.
Inserts an element in a specific position of a list.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record.The element to insert in the list.
Type: mandatory, Integer.The position where the element is inserted.
Returns the position of the first element of the List parameter that satisfies the given condition, or -1 if no element satisfying the condition was found.
Type: Integer.The position of the first element of the list that satisfies the given condition; -1 if no element satisfying the condition was found.
Removes an element from a specific position of a list.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record List.The list that the element is removed from.
Type: mandatory, Integer.Position of the element to be removed.
Filters duplicate elements from a list.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record List.The list that includes duplicate elements.
Type: Generic Record List.List that only includes the distinct elements of the source list.
Duplicates the elements of a list into another list.
Type: mandatory, Generic Record List.The list to duplicate.
Type: Generic Record List.The duplicate list.