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Whautomate AI Live Chat widget - Multi Channel

Stable version 1.0.1 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 05 September 2023
 (2 ratings)

Whautomate AI Live Chat widget - Multi Channel

AI Customer Support Live chat widget that supports multiple channels including - Live Chat - WhatsApp - Telegram - Instagram - Messenger
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You can now add Whautomate AI - Live Chat Widget on your OutSystems applications to handle end-user enquiries with AI Chatbot and have a seamless AI to Human Agent transfer. 

You can use your Help documentation for AI to respond to enquiries using your documentation. Acts as a customer support employee for your business. Just embed your dataset in Text/pdf format and set up the AI bot and see the conversations come through to Whautomate's Omnichannel Team Inbox. 

Release notes (1.0.1)

Minor fix on the script init. 

License (1.0.1)
Reviews (1)
in version 1.0.0
Whautomate's Live Chat widget plugin on Outsystems is a game-changer. The AI chatbot understands your application and responds to inquiries seamlessly. Transforms customer support, providing instant responses, freeing up the support team, and enhancing customer satisfaction. Highly recommended!
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