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Interoperable Health Data Model

Stable version 3.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 7 Mar (8 days ago)
 (3 ratings)

Interoperable Health Data Model

The Interoperable Health Data Model helps OutSystems developers build digital health applications that are ready for interoperability when needed, without having to deal with the complexities of the HL7 FHIR standard.
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The Interoperable Health Data Model helps OutSystems developers build digital health applications that are ready for interoperability when needed, without having to deal with the complexities of the HL7 FHIR standard.
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The Interoperable Health Data Model includes data structures and lists of valid options that have been designed to be compatible with the HL7 FHIR R4 standard.

The included data structures are:
  • Simpler than the HL7 FHIR data structures.
  • Easier to understand and easier to work with, ensuring rapid development for digital health solutions.
  • Great starting point for digital health solutions because they include all the standard data elements required for future healthcare interoperability.
  • Can be translated to and from HL7 FHIR Resources when full interoperability is needed.

The included options lists:
  • Are simple to use in your application, as they are returned as DropdownOption lists based on the OutSystems UI data structure.
  • Are pre-populated (bootstrapped) with up to the first 100 codes from HL7 FHIR ValueSets, ensuring that the provided data structures contain valid values. To retrieve more than 100 options, a valid license key is required.
  • Are retrieved using the GetOptions action. The required ValueSet parameter can be found in the attribute's description.
  • Can be translated to and from HL7 FHIR Terminology Codings or CodeableConcepts for full interoperability.

When you are ready to make your application fully interoperable, we offer two options to help with this:
  1. Healthcare Interoperability Components for OutSystems - for those who would like to integrate these into their OutSystems applications.
  2. Healthcare Interoperability as a Service (coming soon) - for those who prefer a pay-per-use solution.
Contact KRE8 IT for more information about these options.

To see some examples of Patient data from the Interoperable Health Data Model and how these can be translated into the HL7 FHIR R4 Patient resources, or the other way around, you can try our Live Demo.

The following interoperable health data resources and their corresponding lists of options are included:
  • Account
  • Allergy Intolerance
  • Appointment
  • Appointment Response
  • Audit Event
  • Binary
  • Body Structure
  • Bundle
  • Care Team
  • Care Plan
  • ChargeItem
  • Claim
  • ClaimResponse
  • Common (Shared)
  • Composition
  • Condition
  • Consent
  • Coverage
  • Diagnostic Report
  • Device
  • Document Reference
  • Encounter
  • Episode Of Care
  • Family Member History
  • Flag
  • Healthcare Service
  • Imaging Study
  • Immunization
  • Invoice
  • List
  • Location
  • Medication
  • Medication Administration
  • Medication Dispense
  • Medication Request
  • Medication Statement
  • Observation
    • Observation_BMI
    • Observation_BodyHeight
    • Observation_BodyTemp
    • Observation_BodyWeight
    • Observation_BP
    • Observation_DeviceMetricObservation
    • Observation_HeadCircum
    • Observation_HeartRate
    • Observation_OxygenSat
    • Observation_RespRate
    • Observation_VitalSigns
    • Observation_VitalsPanel
  • Operation Outcome
  • Organization
  • Patient
  • PaymentNotice
  • PaymentReconciliation 
  • Person
  • Practitioner
  • Practitioner Role
  • Procedure
  • Provenance
  • Questionnaire
  • Questionnaire Response
  • Related Person
  • Schedule
  • Service Request
  • Slot
  • Specimen
  • Substance
  • Task
… with more coming soon.
Release notes (3.0.0)

New Resources

We added support for the following new health data resources:
  • ChargeItem
  • Claim
  • ClaimResponse
  • Invoice
  • PaymentNotice
  • PaymentReconciliation 

New Profiles

We introduced Profiles in this release, starting with the following new Observation profiles. These use case specific profiles make it easier to work with the simplified data structures corresponding to each use case, compared to the full data structure of the resource.
  • Observation_BMI
  • Observation_BodyHeight
  • Observation_BodyTemp
  • Observation_BodyWeight
  • Observation_BP
  • Observation_DeviceMetricObservation
  • Observation_HeadCircum
  • Observation_HeartRate
  • Observation_OxygenSat
  • Observation_RespRate
  • Observation_VitalSigns
  • Observation_VitalsPanel

Updated Documentation and Sample Application

We did our best to remove as much complexity as we could from the data model while keeping everything that’s required to make it interoperable. However, we realise that building Healthcare applications is still inherently complex, and therefore we included a Sample Application and accompanying Documentation to explain the fundamentals to help you get started building an interoperable Digital Health application using this data model.

The Sample Application now demonstrates how some of the new Observation Profiles can be used to capture Weight, Height, and BMI observations during an Encounter.

New Versions of existing Data Structures

The following existing data structures now have new versions available and the previous versions have been deprecated:
  • Bundle (v3)
    • Bundle_Entry_v1 and Bundle_Entry_v2 has an attribute for each resource but Bundle_Entry_v3 now stores all the resources as a Base 64 encoded version of the JSON representation for a simpler structure with fewer attributes and easier maintainability going forward.

NOTE: Each of the upgraded data structures has corresponding Upgrade actions (e.g. Bundle_Upgrade_v2_to_v3) that take in the older version of the data structure and output the latest version of the data structure. These are private actions consumed by the new version’s Deserialize action, which will take the old version’s SimpleJSON and SimpleStructure (name) and it will automatically upgrade the data to return the data structure in the new version’s format. This streamlines the transition from an old data structure version to the new one.

Enhanced Value Set Options

In our continued effort to simplify interoperability and enhance performance, KRE8 IT has introduced a new Terminology API. This addition provides seamless access to interoperable terminology, including value sets and their associated options, as part of our Healthcare Interoperability as a Service (HIaaS) offering.
The Terminology API eliminates the need for consumers of our library to manually update and maintain large, complex terminology datasets. Instead, it ensures real-time access to the latest standardised terminology while optimising performance, particularly for large value sets.
To showcase this functionality, we have updated our Terminology screen in the Sample App. This screen includes sample UI components demonstrating:
  • A server-side dropdown with infinite scrolling for efficient selection.
  • A table list with pagination to facilitate easy browsing and visualisation of the value set options.

To leverage the new Terminology data source, a valid license key must be added to the configuration of Interoperable Health Data Model.
Without a valid key, the library will return only the first 100 options for each value set.
To obtain a license key, please contact KRE8 IT.

DEPRECATED Server Actions

The Server Actions that retrieve Value Set options for specific attributes (e.g., Patient_MaritalStatuses) have been deprecated and replaced with a single action: GetOptions.
This new action returns the same Value Set options as the previous actions but uses an input parameter, ValueSet, to specify which Value Set options should be retrieved. The required value for this parameter is provided in the attribute's description.

Removed DEPRECATED Service Actions

The original Services Actions that were deprecated in v2.0 have now been removed from the module.
License (3.0.0)
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