BDD Framework

BDD Framework (ODC)

Stable version 0.1.2 (Compatible with ODC)
Uploaded on 07 July 2023 by OutSystems Labs
BDD Framework

BDD Framework (ODC)

Detailed Description

This component was made by OutSystems Experts

Main Highlights:

  • Create test scenarios and steps that conform to Behavior Driven Development principles.

  • Enable test-driven development, in which you define scenarios and steps early in the app design process and write test code when the features are implemented.

  • Easily add scenarios and steps by dragging and dropping web blocks (Scenario + Given / When / Then clauses).

  • Enhance test maintenance, as test outputs are identical to the ODC Studio design, making it easy to pinpoint and troubleshoot step failures.

  • Supports multiple tests in the same page and evaluates final results (that is, the number of successful / failed tests).

  • Includes dedicated setup/teardown steps for complex test scenarios.

Main Benefits:

  • The test code is developed in the same way as the Business code
  • It’s based on the Gherkin syntax
  • Works like a live documentation


Execute one step multiple times inside a scenario

Though an edge case, note that iterating a BDDStep block with a ListRecords widget inside the BDDScenario block is not supported. Unpredictable results, including interrupting test execution, may occur. Here’s an example of the unsupported structure:

| BDDScenario

| - BDDStep 

| - BDDStep 

| - | ListRecords <= Not Supported 

| - | - BDDStep 

| - BDDStep

Mixing data-driven and simple scenarios in a single screen is not supported

You can’t have one test screen with both simple and data-driven scenarios. If you create a test with a data-driven scenario, it should have its own screen. 

Release notes 

The AuthToken of the layout blocks used on the tests are set to mandatory.