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SSHconnection and run shell script

Stable version 1.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
Uploaded on 01 June 2023 by 
 (1 rating)

SSHconnection and run shell script

An SSH connection module is a software component that simplifies establishing secure connections to remote machines using SSH. It provides an interface to initiate connections, execute remote commands and manage SSH sessions. It abstracts the complexities of the SSH protocol, making it easier to interact with remote machines programmatically .
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An SSH connection module is a software component that simplifies establishing secure connections to remote machines using SSH. It provides an interface to initiate connections, execute remote commands and manage SSH sessions. It abstracts the complexities of the SSH protocol, making it easier to interact with remote machines programmatically .

Release notes (1.0.0)
License (1.0.0)
Reviews (1)
27 Jun (11 days ago)
in version 1.0.0
Great solution!