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PDF JS + Annotations

Stable version 2.0.0 (Compatible with OutSystems 11)
 on 13 Sep
 (3 ratings)

PDF JS + Annotations

Custom implementation for the PDF JS Viewer that supports annotations and events. Check the documentation to see exactly what was customized. The version implemented for the PDF JS Library is pdfjs-4.5.136-dist Gotten from: https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/getting_started/#download This is the GitHub: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js
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This component is custom implementation of the PDF JS Viewer.

Main Features:

- Support to binary files

- Support to URL files

- Support to custom events

- Support to view annotations

- Support to programatically add Annotations by using PDFAnnotate Library (https://github.com/highkite/pdfAnnotate)

- Security protection against embeded Javascripts


PDF JS is a Library provided by Mozilla that allows us to handle PDFs in the browser.
By default they provide a sample "Viewer" that is separated from the PDF JS Library.
This component is a custom implementantion of this Viewer not the Library.

The events implemented so far are:

Check the documentation on how to implement extra events or reach me using the forums to ask for new events.

Release notes (2.0.0)

This release introduce major changes:

- Updated the PDF.JS Library to (pdfjs-4.5.136 https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/getting_started/#download)

- This new version of PDF.JS have some default capabilities for highlight annotations.

-  Also simplified the code to make it easier to extend events and other config properties.

- Improved security by enabling a check to block Javascripts embeded in the PDF. This can be enabled or disabled. If disabled your file will still open, but any macros might not work

- Added support to all locales

- Integrated with pdfAnnotate library (https://github.com/highkite/pdfAnnotate) for programatically adding new annotations. (Check the documentation tab for more info)

License (2.0.0)

PDF JS is under Apache License 2.0


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